
Short bus disrespectful, thoughts?

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I am LD(learning Disabled) and very proud. i rode a short school bus to my school. I find if so disrespectful when people use short bus as an insult. Most LD people are smarter then the idiots who use "Short bus" as a put down. I just want to get it out their that, it hurts peoples feelings, even if the don't say anything. I do not insult people because of their means on conveyance, why should i be insulted at every turn, because it is acceptable to put LD people down. I apologize for the rant, I just saw someone use "Short bus" to put someone down and it realy got me angry. i have struggled my whole life with people who judge me because of the way i learn, I know i can not change the world but I did want to put my feelings out there.




  1. as you move along in life you will notice there are many different types of people.  this day and age, etiquette seems to be a thing of the past.  i'm sure it can be hurtful, but also you cannot let something like this get in the way of your pursuit forward.

    acknowledge the pain, but move onward and upward.

  2. I rode the short bus because I was in honors classes, and there weren't that many people in m area who went to that school, so I understand what you're saying!  Honestly, LD just means that people learn differently, and people need to know that it doesn't mean dumb!

    Actually, now that I think about it, the short bus really just means there weren't as many students going to that school that were from that area.  It's got nothing to do with level of intelligence and everything to do with economics.

  3. Wray - good for you for expressing how you feel. I don't think enough people are aware of how their insensitivity hurts others. Some Individuals with LD use it as an excuse to fail, but many others work twice as hard to over come their challenges and deserve all of our respect.  You strike me as one of those individuals.

    Currently, the student body president at the high school where I teach is LD.  But he is one of the best young men I have ever met and I know he will have a successful future.

    Best of luck to you and everyone who tries to elevate the level of awareness in our culture.  

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