
Short chest pains what could it be

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just recently like a week or two i noticed i get short chest pains on my left side in between like my breast bone and my left boob.... it lasts for two to five seconds and if i apply pressure and breath it will go away im not sure what it is and havent told my parents yet ... dont want to bother them just yet ... any ideas what it could be or what could be causing it .... btw im 19 i dont smoke, i dont want this to be biased or anything but i do have asthma....i know that could have something to do with it but other opinions would be helpful





  1. stress can cause,, so can posture,, if you changed your posture or find yourself defensivelly hunching your shoulders forward ,, that will pinch those muscles in the chest, also, changed sleaping position can stress certain lparts , just as a changed mattress or bed, rapid wieght gain or loss. if you feel any numbness or other things.. get checked out at a doctor.

  2. Due to your admission of being asthmatic, I will rule out myocardial infarction miss.. See your physician mach I.  

  3. you should see a doctor because it its not treated soon it could get really worst

  4. If said pain does not cause discomfort in other areas of your body like radiating pain down the left arm, shoulders and back of neck, both arms or a weight on your chest feeling, it may not be anything with your heart. Only an examination will identify any abnormalities if something exists, like possible angina. Still, it could be a bronchial infection since you have asthma. Everything is dependent on the environment of your area and your living habits. But I would recommend you ask your physician about it to ease your mind.

  5. it's either gas stuck meaning air. try burping or farting lol or it could be muscle spasms around the heart ( i use to have that ) i went and seen my doctor and he said it' perfectly normal. better yet go and get yourself checked. my brother thought he had asthma cause that what the doctor told him but when he went and seen another doctor they found out he had a heart mermor ( hole in the heart ).

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