
Short cut keys for jaws for windows?

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What blind people use jaws? do you have any easy to understand to learn shout cut keys? jaws for windows speach solftware




  1. Desktop Shortcut Keys:

    Description/Shortcut key

    Say Sentence/Alt + NumPad 5

    Say Next Sentence/Alt + Arrow Down

    Say Prior Sentence/Alt + Arrow Up

    Increase Voice Rate/Alt + Ctrl + Page down

    Decrease Voice Rate/Alt + Ctrl + Page up

    Say Active Cursor And Co-ord./Alt + Delete

    Say Sentence/Alt + Num Pad 5

    Open Combo Box/Alt + Arrow Down

    Close Combo Box/Alt + Arrow Up

    Say Next Line/Arrow Down

    Say Prior Character/Arrow Left

    Say Next Character/Arrow Right

    Say Prior Line/Arrow Up

    Interrupt Speech/Ctrl

    Say Next Paragraph/Ctrl + Arrow Down

    Say Prior Paragraph/Ctrl + Arrow Up

    Say Help Window/Ctrl + Insert + Arrow Down

    JAWS Find/Insert + Ctrl + F

    JAWS Find Next/Insert + F3

    Graphics Labeler/Insert + G

    Automatic Graphics Labeler/Ctrl + Insert + G

    Drag And Drop/Ctrl + Insert + Num Pad Slash

    Say Application Version/Ctrl + Insert + V

    Say Paragraph/Ctrl + Num Pad 5

    Say Next Help Window/Ctrl + Page Down

    Say Previous Help Window/Ctrl + Page Up

    Frame Get Top Left/Ctrl + Shift + Left Bracket

    Frame Get Bottom Right/Ctrl + Shift + Right Bracket

    Frame Set To Window/Ctrl + Shift + Left Bracket (Pressed Twice Quickly)

    Keyboard Help/Insert + 1

    Pass Through Key/Insert + 3

    Say Colour/Insert + 5

    Say All/Insert + Down Arrow

    Say Prior Word/Insert + Left Arrow

    Say Next Word/Insert + Right Arrow

    Say Line/Insert + Up Arrow

    Read Current Window/Insert + B

    Read Word In Context/Insert + C

    Say Default Button Of Dialog Box/Insert + E

    Say Top Line Of Window/Insert + End

    Refresh Screen/Insert + Esc

    Say Font/Insert + F

    Screen Sensitive Help/Insert + F1

    JAWS Help For Applications/Insert + F1 (Pressed Twice Quickly)

    Window List Dialog/Insert + F10

    Select a System Tray Icon Dialog/Insert + F11

    Say System Time/Insert + F12

    Run JAWS Manager/Insert + F2

    Shut Down JAWS/Insert + F4

    Hot Key Help/Insert + H

    Say To Cursor/Insert + Home

    Main JAWS Window/Insert + J

    Say Word/Insert + Num Pad 5

    Spell Word/Insert + Num Pad 5 (Twice)

    Route JAWS Cursor To PC Cursor/Insert + Num Pad Minus

    Route PC Cursor To JAWS Cursor/Insert + Num Pad Plus

    Left Mouse Button Lock/Insert + Num Pad Slash

    Say Bottom Line Of Window/Insert + Page Down

    Say From Cursor/Insert + Page Up

    Script File Name/Insert + Q

    Restrict JAWS Cursor/Insert + R

    Say Selected Text/Insert + Shift + Arrow Down

    Say Window Title/Insert + T

    Say Window Prompt And Text/Insert + Tab

    Adjust JAWS Verbosity/Insert + V

    Window Keys Help/Insert + W

    Say Frame At Cursor/Insert + X

    Say Character/Num Pad 5

    JAWS Cursor/Num Pad Minus

    PC Cursor/Num Pad Plus

    Left Mouse Button/Num Pad Slash

    Right Mouse Button/Num Pad Star

    Say Current Control Hot Key/Shift + Num Pad 5


    JAWS laptop keys:

    Description/Shortcut Key

    Left mouse button/Alt + 8

    Right mouse button/Alt + 9

    Say all/Alt + A

    Route PC cursor to JAWS cursor/Alt + Apostrophe

    Say character/Alt + Comma

    Say paragraph/Alt + Ctrl + I

    Say next paragraph/Alt + Ctrl + O

    Say prior paragraph/Alt Ctrl + U

    Say active cursor/Alt + Delete

    Say line/Alt + H

    Say sentence/Alt + I

    Say prior word/Alt + J

    Say word/Alt + K

    Spell word/Alt + K (twice quickly)

    Say next word/Alt + L

    Route JAWS cursor to PC cursor/Alt + Left Bracket

    Say Prior Character/Alt + M

    Say next line/Alt + N

    Say next sentence/Alt + O

    JAWS cursor/Alt + P

    Say next character/Alt + Period

    PC cursor/Alt + Semicolon

    Say selected text/Alt + Shift + A

    Say current control hot key/Alt + Shift + Comma

    Say to cursor/Alt + Shift + J

    Say from cursor/Alt + Shift + I

    Say bottom line of window/Alt + Shift + N

    Say top line of window/Alt + Shift + Y

    Say prior sentence/Alt + U

    Say prior line/Alt + Y

    Left mouse button lock/Ctrl + 8

    Drag and drop/Ctrl + Alt + 8

    Got 'er done!


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