
Short guy driving stick shift?

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Hi everybody im a 16 year old teen 5'2' tall i was wondering if anybody else out there can drive a stick shift at this height because when i get behind the wheel of a stick is majorly uncomfortable for me to sit and step on the clutch all the way down with my left foot and the steering wheel all up to my face and body so if you could help or you got any solutions to my aches let me know and yes i do not want to get an automatic




  1. 1. s***w a 2x4 block on the clutch pedal.

    2. Learn to shift without using the clutch except for starting and stopping.

    By the way, I'm 5'-3" and rarely drive anything with an auto tranny.

    Another idea is to adjust the clutch so that it disengages closer to the top of the stroke, so that you can avoid slipping without having the pedal all the way on the floor (when I was 16 I used this little trick on my first truck).

  2. i got u beat how about this i stand 5'0" and i drive a 18 wheeler for a living! my mom is 4'9" and driving a pickup with stick. you can do it. you can always build pads for you padles so u can reach it but i do not need them!

  3. Hey man- I am short and will ONLY drive stick--- lol

    most importantly, is not only to adjust the seat to sit comfortably, but adjust it far forward enough so you are comfortable pressing the clutch to the floor.--- this should definitely help and you could always recline the seat back if you need some arm space.

    im not sure what kind of car you are driving, but most compacts and sport compacts are pretty comfy for shorter people. even mustangs and stuff.

    but if you are talking like pickup trucks, and jeeps, they are made a bit more for the taller people, and may be tougher on adjustment.

    good luck!

  4. woah im 14 and im 5'4!! lol hahaha  i know this super short kid who drifts all the time...dude u can handle it!!

  5. I'm 5'3" and I drive a Semi which is "stick" as well as my vehicle. Adjust the back of your seat so your sitting more up right. It will help more than you think. Then adjust your seat for the leg room as well as tilting your wheel to accommodate, how close you have to sit too the steering wheel.

  6. Just get a set of pedal extension, they work great and they are safe.

  7. Wanna buy my old pimp daddy platform shoes that I worn in 1978 ? Ya know those goofy looking peddle covers at the cheapo auto parts stores ? Buy a set & put a 1/2 " piece of plywood between the peddle & cover.

  8. If people who are paralized from the waist down can drive, I'm pretty sure you can find a way too. A lot of GMC's have the peddles that come out really far and are electrically controlled like your seat moving back and forth. Maybe you should look into that.

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