
Short question regarding wave intensity?

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What will be the difference, and why, in wave intensity if there are 2 sources of same power, with one emitting pulses that are in parallel beams, and the other being a spherical source, emitting pulses uniformly in all directions?




  1. The wave intensity of the parallel beam is I1 = P/A1, where area A1 is the beam area, πr^2 (r being the beam radius). This intensity is independent of distance.

    The wave intensity of the spherical emission I2 = P/A2, where A2 is the area of the sphere at distance d = 4πd^2.

    At any distance d > r/2, I1 > I2.

  2. By intensity I'm sure you mean amplitude. You know what I mean if you have ever seen a graphical representation of a wave.

    You are not talking about waves though. You're talking about pulses or packets of energy. With that in mind, you are entering the world of Quantum Physics where there is no such thing as a wave.

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