
Short run CD duplication: Can't find it reasonable anywhere!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My band is trying to release our first record, we want to give it away for free on the internet, and also print a short run of CDs to sell. at shows. Around 100-200 (depending on the cheaper way) full color, 2 page insert, print on CD, front and back tray, clear jewel case. We already have the artwork we are ready to print with the right price.

Only problem is, everywhere I have looked is EXTREMELY expensive!!! I'm talking $700-$800 for this. If we spent $300 more we could have 1,000 CDs and that is what every company keeps trying to upsell us.

We don't want boxes of CDs in our bedrooms for years because we know we can't sell 1,000!!! I understand how the printing process works, I don't need a lecture about set up costs. I know set up doesn't cost $600.

Anyone know a reasonable company out there that does quality short run printing operations???????




  1. I was looking at the same question the other day and found -  - through a link on another topic.

    Kunaki MIGHT be your answer - it is surely mine.

    Good luck with your music!

    Bill at

  2. I'd do myself and not pay the middle man. You could evaluate this:

    I'd add a second drive(looks like it can handle it)

    Since its self contained you could let your sound man burn them and sell them at the console.

    Or the light guys since they don't do that much anyway ;-)))

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