
Shortboard or Longboard?

by Guest60015  |  earlier

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I am a beginner surfer. Is it better to use a longboard of shortboard wen i am surfing a 3-4 foot waves? I am 5"4, and my board is about 5"10.

Aslo wat r good surf spots for Ventura california??




  1. DEFINITLY a longboard. If you get a shortboard it will be too hard and you'll get fustrated and give up. I started with a 7'2" NSP funboard and that was even a little too short (im 6 feet tall).

    For yourself I would suggest a 7'10" FOAMboard or longer. Foamboards are cheap and make it easy to learn. They are also safer for you and other surfers. Don't worry about being made fun of with a foamboard because other surfers will expect you to be not very good with a foamie. If you start with a nice expensive hard top shorty, you will definitly be made fun of.

    So yea buy a nice big foamie, next year a slightly shorter hardtop, and jsut go smaller every year or two until you find the perfect size.

  2. Long board are better to start with.

    Ive been surfing for almost 4 years and my board is like 6 foot.

    Im pretty good.

    I think your board might be like way on the small side.

    Try a long board for the first 3 months or so then try your board.


  3. Lessons are the best way to start, unless you are a young adult or adolescent with surfing pals who can teach you. You have to learn surf etiquette (so the experienced surfers in the line up don't want to drown you), how to paddle and take off on a wave, and how to ride a wave. There are already way too many dangerous people in the water. A danger to themselves and other surfers. Don't join their ranks.

    It is foolish to make recommendations for size and design of surfboards to people on line. It is even more foolish to take those suggestions seriously. Go to a real surf shop. The folks there can hook you up with lessons, and even rent you a board to learn on. (and, it's going to be either a longboard or a funboard [mini-mal]) Just work on your basics, and after you feel good, think about buying a board, but don't rush into anything. And, please don't waste your time (or money) buying something on line. Don't be in a rush to buy a board! TRY before you BUY. Rent a variety of types of surfboards, or borrow them from your friends who surf. A surfboard is a big investment.

    Be careful of what you read here on line. After I found this site, I figured that I could answer a few questions, and spread the 'good news' of surfing. After you learn to swim and master the ocean, get your REAL advice from a surf shop. However, if they think you are just a 'kook' tourist out to rent a board, you won't necessarily get the best attention.

    Most people learn best on long boards, although I have seen lots of surfers start on a short board and master it. In the long run, there are NO RULES on what type of board you have to learn on. Long boards are ideal for learners. There are also good internediate length boards to learn on, funshapes, mini-mals and some hybrids. That is why instructors use long boards or fun boards (or even softtops).

    THE REAL BOTTOM LINE IS: Go to a Surf Shop, not a computer. I have been surfing since 1966 and I get my surfboard advice at good local shops at the places where I surf. The pros there can give you the right answers!! There is no way anyone could accurately recommend any particular surfboard for you on line. But the folks at the local shop know the local wave conditions, and can match your size and skill level with the right board for local waves.

    Good luck. Once you try surfing (and learn the 'right way') you'll have fun for life.

    Take the time to check out the links, especially surfingforlife.

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