
Shortening, Margerine, Butter?

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I'm confused...

I've read that shortening & Margarine has higher trans fat than butter

1. So why do we use shortening instead of butter?

2. Why do we think Margerine is healthier than Butter?

3. What about the light Margerines or 67% reduced Margerine or Olive Oil Margerine? Are they healthier than Butter?




  1. And guys, what about comparisons to half-salted butter?

  2. The worst thing about margarine is that it is hydrogenated. Once hydrogenated, it resembles a plastic more than a food. Butter in moderation is fine - it is at least natural. There are many cases where you can substitute olive oil for butter.

    Read more about hydrogenated fats and substituting with olive oil at

  3. I agree- it can be quite confusing.

    1. We use shortening when baking or cooking because it has a higher melt temperature. If you think about making a cookie recipe that is mostly or all butter, the cookie spreads. However, if the recipe calls for mostly shortening, you will have a cookie that maintains its shape. As for frying, butter has a lower burn point than shortening, making butter better for sauteing and shortening the choice for frying.

    2. The debate on which is healthier is likely to continue for years. Basically both contain trans fats and saturated fats, but because butter is an animal product, it also contains dietary cholesterol.  My preference is for butter, not only does it taste better but it's all natural and I'm not putting any unnecessary ingredients into my body. If you're making the decision based on calories, butter and margarine are equal.

    3.  As for which margarine is better - soft, spreadable margarine is "healthier" than stick as it has less saturated fat. As to what brands are better, ask 20 people and get 20 different answers.

    Check out the links listed and choose for yourself. In our daily lives we consume such small amounts of margarine and/or butter, that I would base my decision on personal preference.  

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