
Shortening the mane..?

by  |  earlier

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well my horse had his mane shortened today. hes a very calm horse and my good friend nora did it as i held. we do it the right way, like pulling it out. and it was a disaster. he never acted like this before. he reared his front legs up two times, as to if really hurt us. we put a twitch in and it helped for a little bit, and then after he reared again. he never acted like this and nora always does his mane.

if he acts like this again, should i just switch to scissors and cut it off that way? maybe he'll be calmer? i konw i'll probably get points taken off, but we could have really gotten hurt today




  1. keep using the twitch. take it off just before the endorphins start wearing off....leave it off and put it back on in a half hour   twitch's don't last long you have to take them off.

    tell her to take less mane cause pulling hurts

  2. Some horses really hate having their manes pulled.  Even for ones that don't mind, don't try to do it all in one day - it will make the neck pretty sore.  A well kept pulled mane is an ongoing task.  If you just do a few strands a day, it will take several weeks to get where you need to be, but he won't be so overly sensitive.  If his mane is really long, you might flip it to the other side and trim it some, then flip it back and start working on pulling.  Don't pull but about 10 hairs at time, fewer if he still resists.  Twitching may still be necessary.
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