
Shortness of breath and easily overexerted.

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So I'm an avid gym goer usually three to four times a week for an hour of high intensity cardio. For the past two weeks i haven't gone though because even things i could do normally with ease have made me lose my breath. For instance if i go up and down the stairs twice i have to sit down. I am a healthy weight and used to have no issue running two miles or more. I'm 17 years old. Any clues as to what could be causing this




  1. you need more sleep and a better diet.

  2. It could be your diet or your sleep. How are those going?

  3. DO U SMOKE? sorry caps lock was on. well that happens to me right now. only cause i haven't exercised for 8-9 months now

  4. when I was 15 i  experienced the same as you. I went to the doctor and i had developed bronchial ashtma. Just like some ppl have asthma when they are young some ppl grow into it. If you have alot of wheezing you shoudl go to your doctor. It is easily tesed and treatble. Im sure you have seen the commercials on TV(advair).

    good luck get back into shape

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