
Shot Honeymooner Heads Home - how do they get him home?

by Guest34512  |  earlier

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Not something you see on a usual flight? Just curious. Thanks




  1. I understand that he is on a special medical flight to the U.S. first, where presumably he will be examined, and that he will then take a "commercial" flight home but be attended once again by a medical team.

  2. On a specially chartered aircraft with medical staff and equipment on board.

    Sometimes injured people are flown home on scheduled flights, seats can be removed to make room for stretchers and equipment but I would think with his injuries it will be a charter flight paid for by his insurance company.

  3. A special chartered aircraft with all the medical equipment they will need to bring him home. I feel this is one of the saddest and horrible stories i have read about in a long while, and going on the credit bust and wars that is saying something.

    The costs being met by the Insurers and the government apparently.

  4. Air ambulance.

  5. They would use a specially kitted out air ambulance - like the one in the link - as it will be fitted with all the necessary medical equipment for the journey and in case of an emergency.

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