
Shotgun choke uses?

by  |  earlier

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what chokes are commonly used for trap and hunting? i know how they work and what they do but i'm not completely familiar with all of the different types and havent learned all the differences yet (modified versus full for example). I know the chokes will vary depending on what you're hunting but for trap is there usually a certain choke used.




  1. Hi---- Check the below link.... You will see a few articles concerning chokes. This should answer your questions.....

  2. Choke for Trap shooting= Modified or Full.>>>> Choke for Skeet shooting= Skeet, Cylinder, or Improved Cylinder Choke.*  Choke for Hunting= Improved Cylinder & Modified..*>> Chokes for Ducks, Geese, and Turkey= Full Choke..*

  3. For trap, nothing less than modified. Full GENERALLY speaking works best.

    A choke controls the density of the pattern - a fuller choke keeps more pellets closer together resulting in a "hotter core" to the pattern; ie. a better chance to hit your target.

    Cylinder up to Modified will work under and up to about 30 yards - skeet, some sporting clay shots, upland birds, etc..

    Hunting uses depends on what you're hunting. For upland game, having an over-under is great because it allows a different choke in each barrel - in which case Improved Cylinder in the first and either Mod or Full in the second barrel would be a good choice. For waterfowl and turkey, the tighter the better - waterfowl, your target is high up and you need to hit it hard to bring it down; turkey a small target you also need to hit hard, so full.

    Here's a more basic list of chokes (most open to tightest) and my opinion for their best uses:

    Cylinder (no constriction): Skeet, Sporting clays, Upland, Slugs, Defense

    Improved Cylinder: see above

    Light Modified : see above

    Modified: Upland, Sporting Clays, some trap

    Improved Modified: Upland, excellent all-around trapshooting choke

    Full: Still can be effective for longer upland bird shots, waterfowl, turkey, and it is THE most widely used trap choke and "old stand by" for trapshooters

    Extra Full; Super Full: Turkey


    For trap, put a full choke in and keep practicing until you can smoke a target - as in absolutely destroy it leaving nothing but a cloud of dust and teeny tiny chips in the sky. Its the only way to be proficient and learn your gun and how to be consistent.

  4. The choke controls the shot pattern and determines at what distance the shotgun will be most effective. here are the 4 chokes from the least narrow to the most.

    there are 4 different chokes you can have on your gun; the first is the "cylinder bore", it is not an actual attachment to your barrel, therefore it is the widest and does not change the shot pattern of your gun. the second is an "improved cylinder", it provides the second least amount of restriction upon the shot and is used for closer range. Next is "modified", this is the choke that you are wanting to use; its pattern is most effective at 35 yards (which is +10 yards over the "improved cylinder"). the last choke and the narrowest choke is the "full" choke which is most effective at 40 yards.

    Basically improved cylinder is close range (most effective at 25 yards), modified is for medium to long range (most effective at 35 yards), and full choke is long range (most effective at 40 yards).

    i hoped this helped.
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