
Shoud i do marshal arts to semone if he attak me?

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Shoud i do marshal arts to semone if he attak me?




  1. it depends, you really only want to use as much force as possible without killing or injuring your opponent unnecessarily. If your opponent is on the gorund and is no longer a threat then you should call the police, don't keep beating the person up, you could be sent to prison for assualt.

  2. if some one attacked me i would probabley have to drop kick him right in the teeth


  3. In a defencive manner, yes. You have every right to protect yourself from being attacked. But you can't use excessive force or you can be charged. You have to find the line between defence and excessive force.

  4. yes, but do it to defend you're self

  5. if you are attacked i say defend yourself as long as it a life your death. if you think hurting people is cool or brag about what you can do don't fight back

  6. Do you know martial arts?

    If you do, you should know that fighting is the last thing you want to do. But if you have to fight use what you know and do it well.

  7. If you have to defend yourself, do it compassionately, and try to just neutralize your opponent. Don't hurt him any more than is necessary for you to just escape unharmed. But if you can, avoid the violence. Remove yourself from the situation before any physical violence occurs. Just walk away.

    Call the police.

    Once you strike someone or touch them at all, that is assault. Don't allow someone to beat you up- but avoid physical force as long as you can. As I said, protect yourself if you have no other option.

  8. Well I guess if you know how to do martial arts properly. Although knowing how to street fight would be good also. Then again, don't put yourself in a bad position.

  9. of course you should. period. that's what they're for. like fatguy said....dont let it go too far. you dont have to bloody someones face and smash his fingers to prove your point.

    in the original "kung fu" tv series. master Kahn told grasshopper (Caine) ...the attacker must vanquish. the defender merely has to survive.'s very true.

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