
Shoud i or not?...........?

by  |  earlier

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I'm about 5 7 and have mouscle, but if i start lifting weights will it stunt my growth, and iam not talking like doing it constantly, just like a little in the morning befor school and a shower and a night befor bed, and not doing like 500 reps either just like 50, if thats what they are called, iam also 15





  1. weight lifting wont stunt your growth.

  2. You have asked substantially the same question elsewhere, so the answer is the same.

    Weight training, or for that matter any form of physical exercise, will not stunt your growth.

    However you should ensure that the amount and type of training is fully appropriate for your age and stage of development. Do not do any form of extended exercise without checking first with a professional. Ask your phys ed teacher for advice or join a gym and take the advice of the trained professionals there.

    Also for your own safety, do not do weight training when there is nobody else around within earshot, just in case you drop one on yourself or get accidentally injured in some other way.

    Make sure that you 'cool down' properly after your exercise to allow the muscles to relax gently. Shower to remove sweat before going to bed and ensure that you have spoken to somebody after your exercise session so that they know you are OK.

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