
Shoudl We s***w The Animals/Nature And Drill In Alaska?

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People, eventually we will drill in there, so should we just strop protecting it now, and drill now and get the oil. Because as I see it, it is only a matter of time before. 7yrs, 10yrs, 20 max. Before we go into the north and start drilling.




  1. no.  We should drill in the Gulf and put some real investment into green energy alternatives.

  2. yes

  3. Drilling for oil in Alaska or anywhere else doesn't have to mean major environmental damage.  We should allow more oil drilling and we should hold the companies drilling for the oil to high environmental standards.  Clean air and water standards haven't put any industry out of business yet and won't in the future.  It had changed the way industries operate, mostly for the better.  High energy prices will cause many businesses to shut down. To keep energy prices down we need to break our dependence on OPEC by producing more energy at home.  Drilling in Alaska is a big part of the solution and it can be done with very little disturbance to the wildlife that lives there.  Drilling would only happen in the winter when the ice roads are in operation.  The birds aren't there in the winter,  they fly south.

    American companies are prohibited from drilling off the coast of Florida.   The Chinese have just announced that they will be drilling off the coast of Cuba.  Why shouldn't American companies be allowed to drill for the same oil?

  4. In Alaska and anywhere else in the United States despite an endangered spotted owl or whatever.

  5. The oil up there will only last for 4-6 months...then what?  What else will we destory to get oil that will only last for a short amount of time.  Is destroying the last wild frontier in the U.S. really worth 4 months of oil??

    Edit: roadhazz...have YOU been to the Alaskan Arctic and studied the affects of the oil drillers there???  What?  No, you say...well I HAVE, and the animals are NOT doing fine! I did a study up there on birds.  Also to dickn200,  the tundra is NOT void of animals at all...hundreds of bird species migrate there each year to nest, don't forget about the arctic and red fox, caribou, polar bears, grizzly bears, etc.

  6. fencing off 2 acres here & there in the thousands of square miles of barren mud flats in alaska will have no effect on the few migratory animals that cross the area once or twice a year. the elevated pipe lines already there have had no effect whatsoever.

    what does destroy a sensitive environment & its animal life is covering the desert with hundreds of square miles of solar arrays as were now doing in Nevada & arizona.

  7. The land in Alaska designated for oil exploration in ANWAR is essentially as devoid of life as the surface of the moon. If you disbelieve this look it up. Plus the fact is that the exploration itself is a clean operation and would not pollute the land. It's time to tell the environmentalists to get lost, preferably in the wilderness, and let's get on with solving our energy problems.

    In addition, Florida is also part of the problem. Exxon knows that there is oil off the coast of Florida, but the State refuses to allow drilling. Time for tourists to boycott the Orlando vacation complex.

  8. Yeeah..go on and stuff it up...

  9. I'm sure there's parts of Alaska without wildlife. We can drill in those big open tree-less fields of snow like you see on tv...

  10. Oil is a recourse that will eventually run out. With good time, after we have drilled everywhere we can possibly drill, then there will be no more oil left on the earth. Its just the fact of life. We should be using our time and money to develop clean energy, and save the generations ahead of us the trouble of dealing with earths eventual and inevitable lack of oil.

  11. Hmmm ... We're all on the Internet which would not be possible without the petroleum industry. The plastic case, the cheap energy, the massive industrial base which makes it possible for even the lower middle-class of many nations to communicate and interact. ... Hmmmm .... but it's all evil oil that has made this possible.

    We can all dream of a bucolic life without oil but the world will not have it. Mankind is enjoying a massive increase in quality of life due to the availability of cheap oil. China, Brazil, India, and many other countries are ramping their energy usage in massive numbers. Simultaneously they are driving cars ... and getting on the Internet. ... all due to cheap oil.

    But the US should suffer for being on top for all those years ... Yeah! that's right. The evil capitalists that have created, nurtured and developed this global system should be punished ... and made weak ...

    We can either drill for oil now or wait for the guys in the Mao coats to drive up to our darkened doors in their armored Tatas to let us know that the world has changed without us. Our choice.

  12. Why don't we just s***w up the whole world now since we're going to eventually anyway?

    Drilling in Alaska wouldn't solve any problems, just prolong this oil filled nightmare.

    I also think the animals would appreciate it ; )

  13. you shouldn't be s******g any animals i think its against the law in alaska

  14. I think we should protect animals and nature for as long as possible.  

    Personally, I think it'd be stupid to drill in Alaska anyways.  The oil wouldn't last us that long, and we'd ruin the environment.  Drive a hybrid.

  15. No, we should s***w the enviro-fascists and drill in Alaska.  People like you are against oil drilling, hydroelectric dams, nuclear power, wind power (yes, because it kiils too many "birds of prey")......but you want YOUR lights to go on when you flip the switch, and you want YOUR house heated and air conditioned, and you want YOUR car full of gas so you can go to Yellowstone and "commune with the animals."

  16. Funny they made the same false claims about the Trans Alaska pipe line. Facts are in, all the widlife is doing just fine.

  17. We have been drilling and pumping oil up here in Alaska since 1977. The wildlife is fine with the pipeline. We simply do not have enough to satisfy the needs and wants for the USA. The price of gas today was $3.80/gal here.

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