
Should 12 year old boys w**k each other

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  1.  12 girl single so boys add me on bbm 2654B06D

  2. patrick
    Some people agree some people don't it completely depends on you i have done it before but it was just next to each other no touching

  3. Add my bb pin:25FA4FAA x

  4. im 14 and im looking for straight cute14 year old bbm pins.

  5. dose anyone here live in oregon

  6.  Wish someone would do it with me so if u live near scunthorpe let me know and i will join u

  7.  yeh go for it its rly fun me and ma m8 (12) allways give each over bjs and w**k and bum each over its gd oh and its even better if u hav a big c**k how big ppls c***s 


  8.  This is just paedos trying to snare paedos...

  9.  Yeh Im 12 and I get eretions and ask my friends to w**k me and I w**k them too it is so fun 

    we masturb8

  10. I think iits fuckiin hott !! Add me on bbm pin:25FA4FAA.  Or email me on I am 16 and did it all da tym wif a 13 yo wen I was 12 nd I'd do it again :)  add me peoplee !!!!!!! X

  11. I love sucking when Im being fucked.....

  12. yh they r

  13. the ppl who left emails r they real ???

  14. me and my mate(13) have given eachother blowjobs before, nothing wrong with it

  15. im 15 and w**k my m8s off until they c*m!!! givin bjs just rules and getting fucked is just top c*m in mouth yh boi add me and we can do cams


  16. im up for  it any time earlier today i was at my mates and i sucked him off until he jizzed in my mouth and i swallowed every little drop and then he got proper horni bent me over and bummed me quite rough and hes 12 and im 14 hes a good shagger add me on msn my email xxxx

  17.  anyone got skype?

  18. any1 want to on webcam?


  19. i w**k my m8s off all the time till we both c*m in eatch others mouths we bive bjs and f**k aswell

  20.  Yeah, anyone want to compare,

  21. anyone live in bridgwater and want to w**k

  22. i wood do it add me on facebook sam pope

  23.  I'm 12, and me and my other 12 year old mate have wanked a few times together over some p**n. We have a great time! We have given eachother bj's, and we both have gf's. Although all of our c*m goes everywhere! :) Enjoy!

  24.  some one add me im 14 i wanna ank on cam i shoot for u :P 

  25.  anyone want to w**k over webcam giv emial adresses on here and i'll add u ;)

  26. @Guest20981703 

     yeah sure, ill w**k on msn with you :) add anyone else feel free to add me too ;)

  27. i w**k and suck and f**k with my friends we have so mutch fun at night so go for it

  28. yeah go for it, i do it too we w**k and suck each other off every weekend and tonight were tryin anal so just go for it

  29. Yea sure.  Girl wanked me off while I was fingering her, I shot in her hand and she smacked my face and left.  

  30.  You all are fucked in the head and are g*y, wanking another boy off is g*y especially if you havnt fingered a girl yet. Trust me mate start with girls if u dont feel the pleasure then experiment. I havnt done it before and Tbh i dont think i would but it's your choice

  31. id love to suck anyone off

  32. I want someone to w**k me but my c**k is only 2 inches long and everyone laughs.  I can shoot lots of spunk though

  33. yeah its amazing, last time he sucked me off and it is soo much be than wanking by ur self, i even didhim oonce

  34. any one wanna w**k wif me got msn write to me i wud suk any 1 and meet anyone eny where i am 15 bt i fink am g*y but i am scared to admit it add me :)

  35. i wear nappies when i w**k

  36. while your at it let him give you analll   therez nutin wrong wiv a manshaggin anoder man and if you hate it then you know u are not g*y     im 15 and have done everything wiv my bes m8   we do it for not and we  oth havehad s*x with our girlfriends

  37. yea i want 2... Guest20981703

  38. i w**k my mate all the time and he wanks me. he got his c**k in my a*s once

  39.  If I had the chance I would - I'm 14

  40.  If I had the chance I would - I'm 14

  41.  theres nothing wrong with it me and my mate w**k eachother off regularlary, we've started sucking each other and last time i got him to c*m on my d**k...thers nothing wrong with liking d**k but yeah don't tell your mates

  42.  i have give blowjobs to friends but only twice i would love to on regular occations  tho :) 

  43. i am 13 and have done blow jobs and everyfing just go for it me and him wore condoms cuz we heard you can get infections and stuff it was great fun and we laughed for the rest of the evening


  44. I started wanking when I was 8 or 9.A couple of years before I started to produce any c*m.I would have loved someone else to w**k with.

  45. I'm 15 and w**k by myself everyday, and started when i was like 12 but not with my friends, we talk about wanking but not like phyiscally wanking him off. But do whatever you feel is comfortable! :)

  46. yeah iv dune that at 13 at my friends house  most week ends its cool and we bj till c*m its brill but dont tell yr mates coz they will say yr g*y .my friend wants to try anal with me i said know coz thats well g*y. i would to try anal a girl to see whats its like.

  47. w**k once a week is great

  48. im a 13 year old boy my mate and i w**k each other every weekend and tonight we are going to try a bj

  49.  Guest20981703 i wud :) wanna webcam it?

  50. any one want a w**k with me and stuff

  51. i love it i do it to him even tho he has no pubes and no c*m comes out!!!

  52. yeah, sure, i am 15 and i do it all the time. do whatever you want, i've done it all.

  53. Pahaha.. mate , dont go wanking you mate.. and dont give him a B******b! if someone finds out you will be classed as g*y! just have fun wanking yourself ;)

  54. no your a g*y f**k

  55. mutual wanking is great fun ,me and my mate do each other untill we c*m

  56. Once you start.............................

  57. I w**k with my best friend all the time. We even do each-other sometimes.

  58. yes you get alot of plesure from wanking just go for it and give him a b*****b

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