
Should 13 year old be sleeping naked? im wondering what to do with my son.

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my son wants to sleep naked i dont want to let him

should i




  1. many of the answers here say to respect his privacy then say he shouldnt be allowed to sleep how he wants. this is contradictory. he is a young adult and needs to be allowed privacy. that means that what he does in private is his choice(up to a point, if what he is doing in private is harmful to himself or tohers then it should not be allowed. sleeping nude is not harmful). he needs to be allowed to begin making his own desicions. if you are uncomfortable with him sleeping nude discuss with him why you think its wrong but let him make the desicion. sleep is very important for adolesents. forcing him to wearc clothes to bed against his wishes may disrupt his sleep as much as if you were forced to keep a 120 watt light on.also i want to point out that it is NOT illegal for a thirteen year old to sleep nude. whatever his choice for sleepwear you should start knocking before you enter his room, unless you are hearing sounds that indicate some one is in need of help in his room.

  2.  Of Course Let him Sleep NAKED ..... Why Shouldn't He ....... How Do YOU SLEEP  .... Probably NAKED...Right....... So Don't Freak Out.  Some of The Answers here are Rediculous.  There Is NOTHING WRONG With Nudity.  So What if Someone Sees him Naked ... If They Don't Like what They see ... Well DONT BL**DY LOOK ....... If He Wants To Leave The Door open ... LET HIM.

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