
Should 13 years olds wear make up?

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just wondering if you think it is too young of age

my friend KIRA wears aton!




  1. Yes I'm 12 years old and i'mma makeup artist and i wear mascara,eyebrow liner,lip gloss,eye shadow,clinique,blush and if it 2 much makeup then its too difficult 2 wear skin is natural and pretty ....even or without makeup they said i still look good and younger!yes 13 year old should wear makeup and 12

  2.  Totally :) 

    I'm 13 and I wear makeup, mostly just mascara, eyeshadow, and eyeliner, but I do have concealer and foundation, but my skin is clear so I don't use it often.

  3. I'm 13 and I'm not allowed to wear makeup and frankly, makeup is just fake beauty, wearing no makeup is natural beauty. If you want your eyelashes to look longer though, I recommend clear mascara!

  4. of course 13 year olds can /should wear make-up. im 13 and i wear  foundation, powder, blush, eyeline, mascara, eysadow and gloss. i dont wear a ton but i do wear lots. i dont lokk like a tramp or anything cause my aunt is a make up artist and showed me how to do it like a pro :). all the 13 year olds in my class wear some if not your a nerd..

    sorry girl u better start wearing some :), but its your choice

    hope i helped

  5. of course 13 year olds can /should wear make-up. im 13 and i wear  foundation, powder, blush, eyeline, mascara, eysadow and gloss. i dont wear a ton but i do wear lots. i dont lokk like a tramp or anything cause my aunt is a make up artist and showed me how to do it like a pro :). all the 13 year olds in my class wear some if not your a nerd..

    sorry girl u better start wearing some :), but its your choice

    hope i helped

  6. of course 13 year olds can /should wear make-up. im 13 and i wear  foundation, powder, blush, eyeline, mascara, eysadow and gloss. i dont wear a ton but i do wear lots. i dont lokk like a tramp or anything cause my aunt is a make up artist and showed me how to do it like a pro :). all the 13 year olds in my class wear some if not your a nerd..

    sorry girl u better start wearing some :), but its your choice

    hope i helped

  7. well im a mother and i let my 13 year old daughter wear it on occasions. But she wears lip gloss to school everyday which is plenty. You should feel beautiful without makeup:) just wear a little gloss.


  8. ya

  9. I think they have the right to, some girls start at age 11 but they dont go too heavy. When your 13 your mature and a teen. So you should but make sure its natural looking, I dont think lipstick is right even when your 14 its just not good. Try makeup thats better for your skin.

  10. I'm 13 and i don't wear makeup.
    i don't see the point of it, kids at school wear loads of make-up
    and i don't think it's nessesary

  11. Im 15 and i wear powder , blush , eyeshadow , & occasionally mascara. At 13 i really enjoyed using it and i was curious about it and i really learned to like it . I also enjoy watching makeup tutorials on youtube. All i do is take an eyeshadow or something i own and type it in the search bar , usually there are reviews and tutorials , but i suggest for now you only wear a little makeup . (i.e. lipgloss , eyeshadow )

    Hope i helped :)

  12. No, it an be dangerous for their skin.

  13. Of Course, my mom always tells me im wearing to much , but she cant physically make you take it of. I Really dont care if other people think im a tramp, i wear foundation, concelor, blush, eyeliner, two mascara's. I Wear loads :L but i dont care what poeple think of me. (:

  14. I'm 13 years old and I wear eyeliner and all that stuff behind my mom's back to school,I do feel guilty about it but alot of people says it looks good on me and it brings out my eyes since I have naturally long eyelashes.

  15. i wear make up & im 13. i wear foundation,concealer,eyeliner, mascara, & lip gloss. i am addicted to it sadly. i thik i look terrible without it. :/

  16. OMG YES i amturning thirteen and think makeup is a nessesity i look horrible without i ALWAYS wear coverup no matter what and mascara and brown eyeliner. and i cannot leave the house without pink lipgloss. i have been wearing makeup for almost a year now. i think its time for u too start.

  17. it depends who you ask; ask the makeup companies and yes for sure but in reality a 13 year old should live her age and not wear any makeup at all, maybe lip-boom or something to make sure they don't dry but that's about it.

  18. well my mom only lets me wear mascara blush and lip gloss

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