
Should 14-16 year olds be concerned about s*x?

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i was just wondering, im gonna wait until im older. idc about it, i was just curious!




  1. I'm having s*x.. I'm 15.

    Don't regret it one bit (: I think I'm old and mature enough.

  2. Yes, you must wait until your 18 and above. I'll tell you, if you had s*x with someone with that age, you will suffer the consequences. Just remember! BE CONSERVATIVE IN THAT AGE BECAUSE 14-16 Year olds are just to young to perform it. Study all about it but don not perform it. :)

  3. yes, they should educate themselves about it but not do it yet. You are yet to become an adult, do not remove the pleasures of you becoming married

  4. yes they should!! because the boys aren't gonna stop just cause they aren't concerned about it. plus, you need to have information so you make smart choices. so i believe yes, they should be.

  5. I'll be really honest, my mom had always told me to wait for marriage or until i had found the right guy. I found my boyfriend almost 2yrs ago now and the first thing i said to him was "i dont believe in premarital s*x" He said I wont force you to do anything you are not comfy doing. I am 17 and i have been having s*x for over a year and i dont regret it. Just take the right precautions NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

  6. Concerned no! Will they be sexually awakened? Yes, this is the time you start having the feelings of wanting a "special is a very strong feeling. It is your hormones kicking into gear. You need to know what is causing these drives and ignore them as much as you can, educating your self (as you are now) and if you can... wait until your older to act upon the urges! Good luck and best wishes!

  7. yes please dont do it wait or bad thing will happen! if you do forget about prom, friends, parties.

  8. Yes

    They should know what happens and how to prevent STDs, STIs and pregnancy.

  9. About 30% of them are, but then again at least 30% of 14-16 year olds are idiots.

  10. You should be married before s*x, its just the right thing to do!

  11. Obviously not...

  12. Concerned? no. Aware? yes.

  13. No they should wait but kids are concerned about it when they're in middle school. They should wait until later in life.

  14. They should be concerned about it.  They should think about it a LOT and realize they are not old enough for that kind of relationship.  s*x is more than physical.  It is emotional and s*x is intimacy that only adults can understand.  Intimacy involves trust and faith and knowing the one you are giving yourself to is everything you want !  Do no settle for less because of hormones.

    You SHOULD be concerned about s*x enough to realize that most teens have unprotected s*x and end up with sexual diseases and babies and usually the guy goes on with his life while the girl gives up hers to grow up and face the responsiblity that was and SHOULD BE two people's.

    Today, there are approximately 25 STDs. A few can be fatal. Many women are living in fear of what their future may hold as a result of STD infection. It is estimated that 1 in 5 Americans between the ages of 15 and 55 are currently infected with one or more STDs, and 12 million Americans are newly infected each year. That's nearly 5% of the entire population of the U.S. Of these new infections, 63% are in people less than 25 years old.

    Think about it for a long time before you give in. Do not trust anyone to tell you they are ok and don't have anything.  It is your health and your life.

    You are wise to wait.  Boys at this age use girls.  They use girls that are easily manipulated into thinking this is love and to keep their man they have to give them what they want.

    They do not committ to them and most of them end up cheating and being dishonest and disrespectful and laugh about them to their friends.  They are children...trying to live in an adult world.

    so YES you SHOULD think about s*x.  Not thinking about it shows you can be irresponsible and careless and disrespectful to you and your parents!

    Your parents raised you so far.  they have loved you and protected you from all they can.  It comes to a point to where you have to make decisions and face consequences...and where parents are always there when mistakes are made...they are disappointed and lose trust.  The most important relationship you will ever have ...(Until you find your spouse) your parents.  

    Congratulations on thinking about it...and being concerned about it.  There is lots of reading about it ....and you should read about it.

  15. Not concerned, but your a teen, its on your mind.

    Do whats right for you and dont let anyone change your mind.

    You'll regret it, trust me.

    personal experience.

  16. Not really

    s*x at this age is not important.

    I made the choice to wait until I'm married.(Just my choice. Not forcing you to do anything here)

    People at this age think its the bomb, but what happens if they get a STD? Pregnancy?

    I apploud you for at least not having it now.

  17. One word: No.

  18. some kids are concerned abt it coz if there friends have done it they want ot do it to and dnt want to be the odd one out that hasnt..... i think its great that u wanna wait not many ppl would....

  19. harsh depends every person is diff n decides i m 16 i have thought of having it with my bf but nah till i become 18 i love him we ve been together for 2 yrs BUT NO he has to wait

  20. This question really depends on whether someone and their partner are ready, but, in general, no.

  21. yes and no. it's up to the person and what they want in life and what they will do to get it!!

    where i live it's normal for 14 and older to have s*x, it's just the way things are done here. But that doesn't mean I am going to i am waiting until I have found that special guy, know he really does care for me and love, and that I am ready.

  22. no you should not be concerned about s*x at all! curiosity can be a dangerous thing. s*x comes with responsibilities and consequences. it also opens the door to vulnerability. with all these diseases, kids having kids etc. it is best to wait. and the majority of highschool relationships do not last.

  23. I won't recommend you at this time. You need to be mature enough b4 having s*x. While this is naturally a very Immature age. s*x is not only to enjoy Intercourse. Even you have C****m used, still sometime PREGNANCY could Happen, So in this Young age, you can't afford that.

    all the above pieces of advice are for your betterment. Rest you are Independent, you can decide Better for you

    Take care

  24. no they shouldnt. there are more important things going on in life. that could be ruined by the mishaps of s*x.

  25. i'm almost 15, dating a 17 year old, thought i was ready, but i've decided to wait. i've not be pressured into asex, like a lot of people think i might have been, but i don't want to rush and my boyf seems ok about it   x

  26. its your descison.....dont let anyone make that choice or force you to make that choice until you want to. now a days its not wrong to be concerned about s*x at that age but it doesnt mean you hafta from age 14-16.dont do anything you regret

  27. My dear Kenya....

    A very smart wait until you're a little older !!! Congratulations !!! You see,'s actually NOT a question of "age", but of : MATURITY !!! And besides...One should be more concerned about finishing one's education, then...concentrate on a career-field, etc. before you seriously get involved into a relationship !!!

    And...once you decide to be "sexually active".... as smart & get you some type of birth-control !!! You see...soooooo many young ladies get carelessly involved & end up....with an unwanted pregnancy...without having established themselves...A child is sooooo much responsibility, takes all your love, care & dedication... 24 hrs. a day !!! Most young ladies are not able to take on such a responsibility ...-not to mention the financial aspect....- So- please get some contraceptive BEFORE getting involved !!!

    Wish you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany with all my love & care... Annette***

  28. if they are as  slow as you no

  29. I started having s*x when I was 15, don't regret it at all

  30. It's hard for 14-16 year olds to avoid temptation because of all the hormones whizzing around in your system and what-not.

    Sounds cliché but, keep yourself for that one special guy, but if you don't, don't dwell on it too much, and learn by your mistakes. Make sure you're being 100% safe.

    Most adults reckon it's the guys that are the worst at that age for thinking about s*x too much, but girls are probably the worst culpirts.

    Live life to the full, don't regret anything-don't do anything TO regret.

  31. Just because you're a teen doesn't mean you have to have s*x. s*x is a personal choice, and yes, many people in that age range lose their virginity around that time.

    When the time is right, you will know. Don't worry about it. Have fun with friends, boyfriends, family and do good in school! That's what's most important right now.

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