
Should 16yrs get cars or earn them?

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i am a 15 going on 16 and my mom and me have agreed that if i find a car i have to pay 60% and shell pay the difference is this fair (i think so)




  1. That is not only fair, it is very generous on your Mother's part!  Very!  You are a lucky kid!

  2. Everything is better if earned.  Otherwise, you may get the idea that money is free.

  3. ive made all my kids pay the lot themselves for their 1st car an then if they've proved to be a sensible driver i've gone out and brought them a brand new car of their choice that's what i think is fair? prove you can do it get a reward

  4. i think if a person is 16 and he/she is going to get their license, they should buy their own car, if they are on their parents insurance, pay their share to them, and keep the car maintained themselves. that way they will take better care of it and if they have to work for the money, they will know money don,t grow on trees.

  5. I depends on how spoilt you have been in your lifetime. Half of my friends bought their own car, a couple of them have brand new cars bought for them (completley stupid since they have already wrecked them) and my mum has bought me nice second hand car for my birthday which im grateful for. In australia you get your license at 17 so maybe in America its more of a tradition to get cars bought for you since your younger & don't have as much money as you would when you are 17.

  6. she's being more generous than i'd be.  i think that you'll respect it more if you pay for it... meaning drive safer and watch what you're doing.

  7. that seems pretty fair, but remember, being young and a male, your insurance is going to be high.Also gas is expensive. There is going to be tune ups, oil changes, new tires eventually, break pad changes, windshield wiper fluid, antifreeze.

    Make sure you can pay for it all before you get the car, you can't rely on your mother for it all.

  8. kind of, but it would be fairer if you save for a car all by yourself.

    You will not only take a load off your parents, but you'll also feel the satisfaction of owning something that is totally yours -- no strings attached.

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