
Should 18 be the age for adulthood?

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We know that at the age of 18 you get a driving license, can study abroad independently, vote etc..but should this really be the age for adulthood




  1. NO, the appropriate age for adulthood is 16.

    Artificial adolescence is hurting western culture. We have adults who are 21, 22, even 25 who are still living at home with their parents...and everyone considers this "normal!" outrageous. Human beings are adults in their teens and it is only because of our western mentality that we have artificially extended youth into the 20's. In the end the current trend of extending childhood will hurt the human race, after all our lifespans are increasing enough to make up for the increase in "childhood."

    Older cultures had it right when they officiated the emergence of children into adulthood at 13 (Jewish custom), 15 (Hispanic custom), or 16 (European/ Early American custom).

    While there is still some vaildity for 13 and 15, I believe 16 makes the most sense giving the maturity level and ability to fend for oneself, and the body size (although there is still a modest amount of growth after 16, most people are full-height by 16).

  2. ..It is the first stair of adulthood.But I can't say it is the pure adulthood..

    at 21 or 22 a person is more matured and adult as compared to teen age 18...its not the fully adulthood..but still childhood..!

  3. No.  I think 21 to 25 years old is when life start making sense..

  4. you are an adult when you start thinking for others and yourself rightly... and according to biology, you are an adult when your body functions are fully developed... 18 is the age when a girl can conceive because at that time her body can cope up with the problems of pregnancy...

    i think 18 is the right age....

  5. hmm..

    i think that we are not fully developed into an adult yet in the brain...but we definitely should be legally aloud to do adult like things when we are 18.


  7. na at 18 you still think you know it all I'm 21 now and know i knew nothing back then

  8. 21, for sure.  18 year olds are not mature enough, generally, to be considered adults.  It isn't a case of "artificial adolescence" as one answerer wrote above but rather "PROTRACTED adolescence" these days.  Teens are talking longer to grow up, by choice as well as circumstances.

  9. To be honest a lot of the kids these days are taking full advantage of it. If you can't drink till your 21 then I believe 21 should be the proper age for adulthood. Then again adulthood doesn't really have an age. Those who are adults still act like children.  

  10. Physically yes but not mentally.

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