
Should 2016 Olympics be held in a developing country?

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All the previous host cities have been in developed countries:

Athens 1896

Paris 1900

St Louis 1904

London 1908

Stockholm 1912

Antwerp 1920

Paris 1924

Amsterdam 1928

Los Angeles 1932

Berlin 1936

London 1948

Helsinki 1952

Melbourne / Stockholm 1956

Rome 1960

Tokyo 1964

Mexico 1968

Munich 1972

Montreal 1976

Moscow 1980

Los Angeles 1984

Seoul 1988

Barcelona 1992

Atlanta 1996

Sydney 2000

Athens 2004

Beijing 2008

Given the benefits and legacy of the games, couldn't the world fund the games for a developing country where they might benefit, with ongoing funding. Much of the cost is offset by advertising and corporate spend. High temperatures might be an issue in some locations, but many do have a cooler season. What about Ethiopia or Sudan to provide a focus for their countries. Or Bolivia, the poorest country in South America. Bangladash? Cambodia? Or maybe Yemen, one of the poorest in middle east.

What do you think??




  1. Africa would be good,at least they are not Communist yet but China is hiring them for cheaper labor and they have oil!!    

  2. None of these countries have the infrastructure necessary to do so.  And because of the way the infrastructure and venues are built it would divert resources from populations who are living on less that 1-2 USD per day.

  3. It wouldn't work.  The Olympics is much more than just some new buildings.  You have to have security, administration and a host of other people to pull it off.  The developing countries you talk about don't have the resources to make it happen.  Another thing, the only gold medals that could be awarded in Yemen would be posthumously for best suicide bombing.

  4. It should be held in a developed country. As in the Chicago, Illinois, USA! Back in 1904 Chicago got screwed out of hosting the games and it has never hosted the Olympics since. I think it would be cool to have such a huge event relatively close to where I live.

    After that I'm rooting for Rio de Janero, Brazil 2020, which is in a developing country.  

  5. Chicago, so when i go i dont have to travel as far  

  6. No

    It is the hosts countries job to pay for all the improvements etc.  They lose money of the games and but it up elsewhere.

    A developing country would have to put in too much stuff (hotels, roads, hospitals, etc) to be affordable.

    PLUS,  a lot of visitors would not go to a event in Cambodia or other developing places.  Sudan would kill everyone.  

  7. would it not waste all their money, how much did Beijing spend on the olympics, millions.  they just don't have the facilities

  8. actually back in 1968 mexico was a developing country...but still not as poor as bolivia or cambodia. and many poor countries simply cannot afford to host the games, they are far more expensive then you can believe, after the Athens 04 games, Greece found it had LOST money not gained it

  9. Or maybe Rwanda. with a Gross National Income of just over One Billion Pounds I have no doubt they would be delighted at the thought of spending 12 years income on the games. In the meantime its indigenous people continue to starve  

  10. China.developed?!!!

    But, yes.   Somewhere in Africa

  11. The cost of putting on the Olympic Games is now so astronomic I doubt there's a developing [third world] country that could afford it.

    No one is going to put up the money to help a developing nation stage the games either.

    So, just foreget it.

  12. CABBAGE..

  13. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In fact, I do not believe that the Olympics should be held any place other than that of Greece where it was founded.

  14. I think they don't want the cost not only of building the arenas, but of security and infrastructure to house thousands of people and media which would demand millions of dollars in electricity and food and medical supplies and locations.

    Many third world countries also have third world governments with corruption so rampant that having the world fund the needed improvements would mean that most of the money would go for bribes and into the pockets of their leaders instead of into the improvements.

    It would be a nice idea in a perfect world, but impractical in our imperfect world.

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