
Should A-Rod be traded to another team key for winnign next season?

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Now he is a good player and hits homeruns, but he has no clutch lately, and if he does have clutch its against a bad team, and every team he was traded from or unsigned got better, so should the Yankees trade him for some pitching? Maybe get rid of some outfielders and get a 3rd baseman?

I was thinking this.

Trade A-Rod to a team that needs a bat and has abundant pitching, like the angels, they could probably get john lackey and a young reliever.

Then trade away some outfielders outfielders like melky and matsui.

Then sign all the young free agents (they are relaesing petite, giambi and mussina next year and got rid of a rods contract) like tiexiera, sabathia and sheets. then sign manny.

I think that wud gaurentie a world series next year.

wut do u think? and should they trade the A




  1. No way that would happen. First, he is a very good player in no matter whatever catagory and he played for the Yankees for so long that he is becoming a core player in that team now. You never should send a core player away. Second, the management just signed the biggest contract for him, trading him away and does not give him a chance to perform will look very bad for the management. Thirdly, Yankees pay 10 mils every year to other team, hardly any other team can afford him.

    Keep him and get addition help this offseason is probably the only solution Yankees can do. WS? Forget it for a while, Yankees has not been in WS for years already.

  2. Keep him after next season. In 2009, he's due for an MVP season.

  3. Honestly yes he doesn't come in when the Yankees need him, but for some reason i still have faith in the Guy his God given talent is to good to give up on the guy, yes i get mad which yankee Fans has not gotten mad at Arod, but i want him on my team because i know what he can do

    Well Texiera wants a 10 year contract and Sabathia they will get and Sheets has been prone to Injuries and Many no thanks you

    GETTING FREE AGENTS HIGH PRICED FREE AGENTS WONT GUARANTEE YOU A WS, i have learned that only Healthy and good enough Pitching and thats what the Yankees need.

  4. No. Keep A Rod. Get rid of Melky, Matsui, Giambi. Pick up Sabathia, AJ Burnertt and Teixieria

  5. Only trade him if you get a boatload of pitching for him. He isn't the problem for the Yankees, its the pitching.

  6. no team will ever win the world series with a-rod on their team. He has a Haitian curse placed on him

  7. They should send him to the Phillies!

    The Yankees can have Adam Eaton and Carlos Ruiz.

    Just messing

    The trade you have proposed I find very well thought out. If the Yanks were to trade A-ROD to the Angels...they risk him having a random clutch season unlike from this one.

    And I were the Yank's I'd ask for Ervin Santana and Matsui for Melky and A-Rod

  8. no he shouldn't be traded

  9. A-rod definitely has trouble getting the hits when they count.

    But no team would ever ever ever take on A-rod's contract. The Yankees made a mistake signing him for 10 years.

    However, it looks like you only think a team full of well-known All stars will guarantee a world series and that is so wrong.

    The Yankees would be eating up a lot of money if they release/trade all the guys you want them to. Also, there's no guarantee that some of the guys you want would even want to play for the Yankees. If you basically destroy the yankee team and just insert all new players, that's not going to make a world series, sry2say.

    Look at the Rays, they are still in contention in september and they dont have ANY OF THOSE guys you mentioned.

    Although A-rod can hit homeruns and will be a HOF-er, a 10 year contract was a BAD BAD BAD idea and the yankees are stuck with him sorry.

  10. I can't see them trading A-Rod. He puts butts in the seats. I think it would be a huge mistake to trade Melky. He is a good young outfielder and hitter. You could trade Matsui, but he old and he has bad knees. What could you get for him?  

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