
Should ALL Schools be shut down NOW because all the paper they use hurts the environment?

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Should all colleges and schools be shut down for good because of all the paper it takes to make text books?




  1. 'If you think education is expensive, try ignorance' (ignorance can harm, injure , maim and be fatal.

    e.g.  water and naked electricity is deadly.

    e.g.   consuming trans fats (fried oils) can lead to macular degeneration/blindness

  2. Nice try. Now do you homework!

    If all the paperwork generated by the government in a year were piled up in the Grand Canyon, it would probably be a good idea.

  3. haha I wish

  4. Moronic question. Trying to incite the equally moronic.

    If you really care about education and the environment, why not support Hemp production in the US for our paper products.

    Instead of whining trying finding viable solutions.

  5. We cannot get away from ALL risks in our environment.  

    Should we all not go to school and allow our children to become stupid because some paper in textbooks MIGHT be some kind of a risk?  Does that REALLY make sense to YOU ???  -!-

  6. Nice try!  You need all the education you can get.  I would recommend using computers more and products like the FLY Fusion computer pen with its special reusable "paper" notebooks to do homework assignments and upload them.

  7. And I suppose thus future generations will not have good access to education as well...

    Because this is much easier than planting trees.

  8. To the shouting down all schools that teach Global Warming. It is a Lie propagated by Gore.

  9. Don't be ridiculous.  Sometimes making a book is more useful to teach people then to be in the forest.  I work in education and we have moved to doing many more things electronically versus on paper.  We need schools to educate people so they can teach us to take better care of our environment.

  10. I don't think that the manufacturing of textbooks is hurting the environment as much as some other factors.  Most textbooks are used for more than one year and are made from some recycled materials.  Plus most schools do not use as much paper products as some companies - and although I wouldn't mind staying at home, I really need the money.

  11. Only grades 9-12------------

    Nothing is being taught there anyway.

  12. Thats strange to happen..

  13. No ..because no adays with computers most college work is done with computers and not printouts o in reality schools use less paper now than 10 yrs ago..


  14. Actually wouldn't it be better to just get everyone a laptop or some other electronic device instead of paper, but that costs to much money right?

  15. No... because uneducated people hurt the environment far worse than making a few text books: Just look around YA...

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