
Should Abkhazia and South Ossetia be a part of Russia or Georgia?

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Should Abkhazia and South Ossetia be a part of Russia or Georgia?




  1. They should (and will) be what they are - parts of Georgia.

    Some answerers here talk about "de-facto independance", but this independance lasts as long as Russia keeps there its troops. If Russia annex those lands, it will be one of the dumbest events in Russian history. Russians want to demonstrate that they are "a great nation" by conquering territories, but they don't think even one step ahead: what will be with Russia and with Russians when all the criminality that allows Abkhazia and S.Ossetia to exist all this time be not outside Rissia but INSIDE it.

  2. Of course, Russia.

    i'm was born in North Ossetia.

  3. South Osetia wants be in Russia,because long ago communists separated them,Abkhazia wants be Monaco of Black Sea,so they won war,they have a right be independent because they independent already 17 years,why USSR can be separate,but his other soviet parts cant be if republics have even now same territory organisation as in soviet times...Georgia wanted be free,but they got freedom why they cant give same freedom to other nations which want...

  4. Your question is to be asked to Georgia - A vast majority of Ossetians and Abkhazians reject Georgia, and feel russian -

    Georgia is not the democratic paradise, such as Condom Rice dreams of it, or pretends - Sakachvili does not respect

    peoples' will -

  5. Both should be and are part of Georgia....

    and please guys who don't know anything about conflict stop complaining....

    300 000 people were pulled out of this regions more than they are now by the help of Russian army and military.... and now Russia has the only "peaceful mission" in both of the regions.....

    At first other parties should be included and those more than 300 000 people should be returned and then we can conduct any kind of referendum.....

  6. They want independense  - they have a right for it! Georgians thought the same when they left the USSR in 1991.

    They want to be friends with Russia? It's their choice!

  7. They are independent de-facto right now, and I don't see any circumstances for them to lose it. It doesn't matter much for them if they are independent de-jure, because Russia supports them now and will support further no matter what. They will have food, water, money for growth, electricity and oil+gas. They are so small that it doesnt cost Russia a lot. So what they can get more if they are de-jure independent?

    And if Georgia claims them somehow, then they will not have anything. Many of them will die for sure, so they will fight till the death for independence from Georgia.

  8. Speculating with the name of independence and freedom and then they want to join Russia. That is exactly what makes things so  complicated. If you want to be independent, what is the point of being independent if you want to join  a third completely different country?

    Someone was also talking about Referendum. Just wondering how they are going to have a legitimate referendum when the majority of legal residents and population is kicked out.

    No wonder all the people who defend them here are Russian. (cossack,dima, Dimitry, Ksenya and etc.)And not a word about terrible Ethnic Cleansing. They probably all want to go there this summer and have a great vacation :- ). Too bad that they might get killed.

  9. Im osetian. Osetians Should Have there freedom. I think they should live next to russians though

  10. They should be independent.

  11. Granting independence to these tiny countries would make way to absolute Russian control on them. It's obvious and inevitable. Staying inside Georgia as semi independent states, tho, would somewhat make way to westernization. If, of course Georgia itself also manages to do that first.

    So absolute Russification against probable westernization. Hmm I'd choose the less worse one. The 2nd one it is.

    Cancer of Russification has spread well enough in the past. No nation deserves to live in that Matrix ever again after unplugging them from it more than a decade ago.

    Tho bad habits dont go easy as we all know. Once you are addicted, good or bad, it's hard to give up, either u want to get plugged in it or they come back to plug you in it.

  12. Abkhazia and South Ossetia should be independent. If they want to join Russia, they should hold some sort of referendum for the citizens.

  13. They are within internationally recognized borders of Georgia both historically and as per current international law. There are about 80 thousand Abkhaz and even less South Ossetians. If every ethnic group of such a scale starts claiming independence the number of states will easily grow to a dozen of thousands versus current couple of hundreds. Moreover, there are substantial minority groups within those entities including Georgians themselves as much as 30% in Abkhazia and 60% in South Ossetia. They have all the rights to take part in deciding the future of those entities. Most of Abkhazia pre war population was Georgian and had to flee the region due to ethnic cleansings. Deciding the future of Abkhazia without considering their opinion would mean legitimazing ethnic cleansing. Further there is no unity among Ossetians themselves in South Ossetia. As much as half of them want to remain in Georgia, while others probably support being annexed by Russia. But this type of things would remind the way Hitler drew the borders.

    Finally, Georgia has enough military power and support of friends to protect its sovereinighty. If Russia was genuinely concerned about minority rights it would give indeoendence to 1 million Chechens rather than mass murdering hundreds of thousands of them. So this very question is irrelevent.

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