
Should Al Gore be sued for misleading the world with his global warming fraud?

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  1. No.

  2. why? why he is wrong?

    In last 15 years temperature is rising per year in central india. Isn't it effect of global warming? Haven't we seen ice melting photos of antarctica?

  3. No. The only people who deny global warming, are big oil, or fake front groups created or funded by big oil

  4. HE should be drawn and quartered for foisting that farce upon the world.

  5. Spit in one hand and sue Al Gore with the other, see which one fills up first.

  6. First sue George Bush for his hoax about Saddam's WMD. If Global warming isn't true, at least it made us wake up regarding energy alternatives. Bush's War has taken over 3000 American lives and plunged us into debt that he now doesn't want to talk about.

  7. He should be ignored as a fat greedy phony. He should have been ignored from the start. He was by most of us.

  8. It is impossible to prove a negative so it would be impossible to prove that global warming DOESN'T exist.

    Nice try though.

  9. I believe in climate change more than global warming...  our weather is all screwy..  just last week we had a tornado in jersey...20 years ago that was unheard of

  10. The experts (university professors) I've met have unanimously agreed that the current global warming tend is caused by humans putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Mr. Al Gore (Nobel prize winner) has all the facts.

    Global warming is also natural and has caused at least 5 massive species extinctions (90%) over the past 650 million years. You can expect that at some point, the earth's atmosphere will once again turn into a sulfurous noxious gas that will not support human life. That's inevitable and it's just a matter of time.

    Al Gore funded and created (he never claimed to have invented) the internet as it is today through his policy making. If he hadn't been blocked by a Republican congress, he would have pushed through a sunami warning system in SE Asia and saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

  11. After you sue all the churches of the world, all the "new age" "doctors", all the psychotherapists, all the hypnotists, all the polygraph makers and operators advertising machines as "lie detectors", everyone advertising NLP, everyone advertising astrology, all "psychics" and everyone else spreading lies.

  12. If that is the case, whats going on with the ice packs!!

  13. No.  There is no malice in his actions.  He believes what he is doing is best.

  14. Yep, up here in vermont when its febuary     -30 with 4 feet of snow on the ground, global warming is a joke.

  15. He managed to turn a legitimate crisis into an uneducated celebrity endorsed fad

    He holds these trendy environmental benefits, and stars attend via *private jets*!

    Real environmentalists dread his promotions.

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