Jim Hansen has called for the trial of oil execs because they spread flase theories of AGW. I would also say he says they should go on trial because they produce gas, etc.
So if Al Gore has shown to be spreading lies about AGW, should he not go on trial? And, should he not be called upon to pay for all the damage he is doing to the environment?
Link to Al Gore being proven to lie by UK courts.
Additional lies he has claimed are true.
Documenting Al Gores' crimes against humanity.
His private jet.
He recently purchased a 100' house boat.
I think the case is clear that Al Gore should be tried for lying and crimes against humanity. He has already been shown to have lies in his documentary by a court of law. In addition, his excessive use of energy is killing us all (according to him). He is using energy wastfully by using the private jet and the huge boat. Why is Jim Hansen not calling for his immediate arrest?