
Should Al Gore...?

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...blame Bush for this?

Or just admit he's a hypocrite?




  1. Sorry sheep and cultists, the topic creator's source is correct.  This was the same group that exposed Gore for being the fraud he is last year about his energy use at home (which prompted Gore to add all the "energy saving" items to his house).  

    And the link to the Bob Vila site only mentions his usage was reduced over the summer, unlike the TC's link that takes into account the past year.  Al probably wasn't at home as much last summer because he had to travel around warning everyone about manbearpig, I mean global warming, and make a fortune of the greatest scam of the 21st century - carbon credits.

    Gore is a fraud, man-made global warming is a fraud, and over 30,000 scientists have come forward saying it's a fraud...yet for some reason Al never wants to have an open debate about it.  I can't figure out what he'd be afraid of in doing so...

    Hope the kool-aid tatses good!


    I read the article Kenny, too bad it was written about 6 months ago.  The posted article that started the topic is quite recent, and the original article by this group that showed Al being a con-man came out last year at this this group is taking into account a period of one year, not just a few months.

    And you asked what's my excuse?  My excuse for what?  I don't buy into the man-made global warming and CO2 is killing us all bs.  I'm responsible, but I'm not a nut-job tree hugger.  Al Gore is no better than TV evangelists.

  2. I find it hard to believe that if Al Gore spent all that money on energy saving devices and systems, his electricity bill actually went up?!  Something is not making sense (i.e. this story as reported by "Tennessee Policy" does not pass the smell test).

    I do think Al Gore lost some of his credibility last year when it was first reported that his massive home was an energy hog.  

    Do I think Al Gore is a hypocrite?  The answer is no.  But I do think he mishandled the opportunity to turn a bad situation about his house into a learning experience.  If I was Al Gore, I would invite the public to conduct a comprehensive energy assessment of his home, and then using BAT (best available technology) to reduce the energy consumption.  Then, use this as a case study to showcase what can be done on an individual level.

  3. Thanks for the great post.  You get a star.

  4. Al Gore is an opportunist who is spreading his junk science like propaganda to fund his new carbon credit business. What a load......

  5. Maybe if you took a moment to look for factual information you would be spared the embarrassment of posting c**p.

    But then again maybe you don't care.


    Skullkrusher: your critism of Gore is unfounded. But since your hatred seems to ensure you bring ZERO objectivity to the answer I will follow up with another link. I know you will make some other pathetic excuse to demean Gore, but hey the truth is the truth and Al has the truth backing his contentions. What is YOUR excuse?

  6. to phrapasie Avenue Q "every one's a little hyprocrite sometimes."

  7. Consider the source.  They're looking for attention, and you graciously comply.

    Gore isn't worried about this.  He's doing more to promote public awareness and reduce his carbon footprint than most Americans I know.  I can't blame him unless I am doing more, within my means, and I have a credible source holding my feet to the fire.

    Call Barbara Walters.  Maybe she can join Gore for a walk through his house and he can explain how it all works for you.
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