
Should Alt Med be moved into the Mythology or Religion section?

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It's not medicine or science and has nothing to do with health.




  1. Does that mean I should have a cross above my clinic so that when my patients get better they can do a quick genuflect on the way out ?

    Honestly I can't believe some of the ignorant comments that people post on here. They obviously have no understanding of how homeopathy etc work !

    There is plenty of evidence out there - they are so blinkered !

    or is it feeling threatened that something can work that doesn't fit into conventional scientific thinking ??

    If you want the evidence you just have to look - try the Society of homeopaths website for  a start.

    I wonder how many of these doubters have actually tried Homeopathy etc ??

    I know I and my patients HAVE tried conventional medicine and thats why they have given up on most of it !!!

  2. No.

    I wont elaborate on this answer, I've said it all before.

    In spite of this and a multitude of answers rasing valid points disagreeing with you, you still keep asking this or very similar questions. You are behaving as if you will not be completely satisfied until you have converted the masses to your very narrow view of the world.....

    .....Funny that..

  3. David, You have already denied me access to adding to this question so I've loged in under another ID.

    Under the Name David G you have only asked a few negative questions but the same questions with the same wrting style keep coming up again and again with different ID's.

    Do me a favour, keep blocking me and block any other ID that you don't like.

    Most of us are tired of reading the same drivel from bloger who don't seek to discuss and expand their knowledge but to try and convert everyone to their own narrow view of the world which blindly follows one philosophy ignoring any flaws.

  4. No it doesn't have any place in there. If that was the case you have to move most of the food we eat into that section as well. And why do you keep changing names and starting new sites??? Well, keep Trolling, you can't poison the minds of the young ones. They are bit smarter than you, thanks to the more info they can get now. Your Troll days are over.

  5. I have a lot of sympathy for that suggestion as there are many similarities. Alternative therapies basically generally fail to stand up to scientific scrutiny. Like religion, people who do believe in them, do so simply using blind faith, even though there is either no evidence or often evidence frankly contradicting their beliefs.

  6. Addressing Dr Frank's point, traditional medicine repeatedly fails to stand up to scientific testing as well.  A level playing field cuts both ways.

    David G: Medical licensing is a joke. Paxil causes severe side effects eg suicidality in 25% of patients yet fails to outperform sugar pills, never mind real placebos.

    I presume you know what a double-blind study is.  Did you know that 80+% of pharmaceutical studies are compromised yet their results are considered valid anyway?

    (How Sound Is the Double-Blind Design for Evaluating Psychotropic Drugs? Seymour Fisher, PhD and Roger P Greenberg, PhD 1993)

    How about electroconvulsive therapy?  Used on more patients than ever before.

    Believing that you are right, and that anyone seeking alternative medicide is deluded and needs your help is astonishingly arrogant.

  7. Hey, if it works for some people who cares?

    One person's weird is another person's wonderful!

  8. Since most medicines have a natural origin for example aspirin was "discovered" because by isolating the active ingredient in white willow bark- which was used by Native Americans for pain relief- Almost all medicine starts as "alternative".

    Think about penicillin- came from mold.

    There are many examples of medicines that have their genesis in Nature- So whats the issue?

  9. Well it should be "alternative health care" not medicine.  It has a right to be here just as atheists (unfortunately) have the right to be in Religion & Spirituality.  

    If you don't like alternative healthcare, you should not be on this board.  Some of the answers are quack-ish, but some (like my contributions I hope) have some validity.  If traditional medicine can't help, why not?

    BTW, TCM is the fastest growing area in medical schools, and there are many studies underway (although not all well-done) at NIH in TCM.

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