
Should America blow Russia away for invading Georgia?

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Russia is invading Georgia to show its might and to eliminate a close enemy that cant defend itself. Should America step in? Russia did the exact same thing with Estonia, how many counties must it envade before America gets into the picture? What are your thoughts?




  1. King George is Putins bed buddy, I doubt Bush would ever threaten war with him.

  2. It's beginning to turn into a very scary world and it's almost to the point of that in my view.  The only thing I can say now is that I think it's more or else the chore of the EU to solve this one.  What else are allies like the entire continent of Europe for?

  3. America should only fight wars that will help us economically (such as attacking iraq for the oil).

    We are at a point in which direct wars are pointless because everyone dies or nothing happens.

    Economically is the only way to fight anymore.

  4. We don't have the power to do so.  Our military is exhausted, and the active units are tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The Russians know we can't do a thing to stop them.

    Some conservatives seem to believe that we have the power to do anything, anywhere in the world.  Reagan started this lie.  We don't.  American power, like everything else in the world, is limited, and there are some things that are too big for us to do.  Attacking Russia while we are fighting on two other fronts would be in this category.

  5. I'd rather not p**s off an aggressive country with nukes, especially when it's not necessary.

  6. I think our United States Government should mind it's own business. Why do we have to get involved in EVERYTHING anyway? So we have an oil line there, big deal! If we used the line that was actually IN the USA, (Alaska) we wouldn't have to p*** off everybody else. Sorry, don't feel like going to war with Russia.  

  7. I do not know you or what your life experience is  but I can tell you from personal exp-being a veteran served at the 101st Airborn Air assault Fort Cambel Ky that to start a war or to enter a war with rus-is a very very very bad idea about as bad as going to iraq the U.S.A. dose not have the man power to engage an enemy as strong as Rus at this time it is streched to the breaking point now which would mean the use of Nuc-weapons as a way to win in witch case no one would win we all lose you know there was a lot of countries that did not care for the U.S.A in I raq but the U.S.  did it anyway it is not the place or the privilage to tell other sovereign Nations how to conduct themselves

    yes Georgia is our ally and if your in for a penny you should be in for a pound if it was Britain we would not be talking about what to do we would be doing it so what dose that mean it is simple what is the value of Georgia to the U.S. interest and is it worth war now if there was a few oil wells Mr. Bush would be happy to go fight

  8. Nope.  Putin's just checking the water.  No need to show our hand just yet.

  9. Our country is weak... we would be of no real help... we can send over medicine and first aid supplies but I do feel that is where we need to draw the line.  We already have a 12 billion dollar a month war going on, and Russia has the Nuclear advantage, even over us.  They could take out our whole country with as little as 2 of their nuclear missiles

  10. I wish we could give Russia what they have coming to them... but its just not time yet believe it or not... they haven't done enough for the US to really need to step in. Lets see the UN and other European cowards start pressuring russia to get out of Georgia like their pressuring the US to get out of the Middle East!

  11. If you want World War Three.The reason Russia went into Georgia was because we are bogged down in Iraq .We couldn't help if we wanted to.

    For the guy who said we went into Iraq for the oil.that sure didn't work did it.Today the Iraq have a surplus and we are broke.

  12. no!  

  13. Russia did to Georgia what Saddam did to Kuwait. They marched in and stole everything that they did not destroy. You better believe that I support giving Russia a good swift kick in the ***.

    America stands for what is right no matter what the left thinks.

  14. If the US does that, none of us will live to tell about it.

  15. all we can do at this point is hit russia were it really hurts..the pocket!

    expell them from the G-8 go back to G-7, get the missiles in Poland....etc etc etc..

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