
Should America colonize the other planets in this solar system?

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Shouldnt we spend our money on stamping out hunger and sickness before we go exploring other planets.




  1. "Earth is the cradle of the mind.  But you cannot live in the cradle forever."


    The dinosaurs died out because when eartyh go hit, they didn't have a backup plan.

    Colonies on the Moon and Mars are Humanity's backup plan.

    As well, shortly, we should be seeing fusion reactors becoming a reality.

    The Moon is an excellent source of deuterium, which we will need for these reactors.

    And I believe that it is man's destiny to reach for the stars.

  2. Should America colonize the other planets in this solar system? Not unless they plan on doing it in the spirit.This solar system has no safely inhabitable planets in it.And yes we should be focusing on improving the planet we live on right now.

  3. No we shouldn't spend our money on stamping out hunger, think of it this way.

    We go colonize a planet = more money.  Now since we have more money, we can help the poor people out.

    Besides, Earth will get over populated one day.

    We just have to make sure only peaceful contries go colonize on other planets.  It would suck if we had a war on Mar or the Moon.

  4. Since we are dealing with an Earth that has finite natural resources then the only logical thing for the survival of our species is to get the h**l  off the planet so we can go s***w other ones up.

  5. we should fix things on earth before we try spreading all this chaos to another place. however, there could be many benefits of colonizing another place.... look at what happend to spain with christopher columbus.... the entire world is different now.

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