
Should America concern itself with other countries when it has a "beam in it's own eye" ???

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Iraq comes to mind, for example.

Any opinions???




  1. no!!!!!!!!!!

  2. To whom much is given, much is required.  America is a blessed nation and to help the oppressed and those in bondage is what America does best.  We have a Great God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whose Son is Jesus the Christ our Lord and Savior.

  3. Good point and good reference from the Bible. It is obvious that Bush has not been "seeing clearly." Not wonder things are so mucked up now.

    So I guess the answer would be no, for the time being. If you take a reference intended for an individual person and apply it to an entire country.

  4. America should concern itself politically and not biblically as you implied with that partial verse.

  5. I wish America would just leave the other countries alone, Cubanize (gardens everywhere, people riding bikes and walking and such, create a bunch of valuable professionals like Cubas exportable doctors ), cut off multinational companies from being allowed in the U.S. and train a better military ( I'm a peacenik in favor of a stronger military, go figure). Also our schools could really use an upgrade or maybe obliteration in favor of a valid system would be better. And our health system sucks: eat McD's twice a day and mortgage your home to pay for a coronary bypass.  

  6. America should be very much less concerned about other countries but we send so d**n much money to them it's disgusting. I see this country as one who wants a say in the money they spend. even if it's not the right viewpopint. we want our say!

  7. We definitely need to take care of home first.  

  8. I certainly don't think that we should turn our backs on other countries just because of the fact that we're not "perfect"....there is no such thing after all.

  9. They are the false prophet what do you expect?

  10. Being that we all have heart of course we should care and be concerned with other countries but I think it would be nice if we were that concerned and caring of our own. Anyone seen the streets of Los Angeles lately? Lotsa hungry, homeless people out there. :(

  11. If you ask me we take care of our own first. When we get our own problems fixed up we can help others. What saddens and angers me is that when we help others (not meaning Iraq, but like 3rd world country's in Africa or something) the world criticizes us. But when we do nothing, we still get criticized. And when and if we help, they thank us and thank us, but then turn around and scream "We hate America!" So I say s***w them and become Isolationists again, at least until we work our own problems out.

  12. Of course not!  There are enough problems right at home to keep the government usefully and beneficially tied down for the next 100 years.  Just think of what that 800 billion blown in Iraq would have done for education or healthcare right here

  13. Ive heard Bush say it as "Policing the world" or "Leading the free world...', very nice way of saying World Emperors eh?

    No we cant impose our way of thinking on other ppl, their is to much diversity its like forcing every1 to wear 3 underwears instead of 1. Iraq is an obvious example but many other countries come to mind in regaurds to our CIA medling through out South America, middle east and elsewhere(assasination etc)

    So yea fix your own home before your neighbors as they say

  14. Politics comes to mind.  That's next door.

    The other thing that comes to mind is that it is simplistic and self-annhilating, in the world we now live, for a nation to presume the Sermon on the Mount is about governing a nation.

    Compare beams:  We do not have a dictator slaughtering and imprisoning and torturing 1/3 of our citizenry.  We do not have Syria, Hezbollah and Iran waiting to slice up our wealth to build nuclear arms to use against peaceful non-Muslim nations.  Iraq did and does.

    We do have the means to stop those who wish to kill many more people.

  15. I'm no isolationist, but yeah, it does sound pretty ironic to hear Bush lecturing Russia on all the things it shouldn't do that we are currently doing.  

  16. Not for the time being.

  17. Beam my foot!  Its more like a dang crosstie!

    Our guys are over there getting blown to bits people here are filing bankruptcy because they cant afford to get sick and al I hear on the news is how a 17 year old girl is pregnant.

    Can we say "priorities"?  

  18. I thought America had it's head up its a$$.

    American Deist in favor of keeping separation of Church and State. America is NOT a Christian country. Weren't we supposed to originally be isolationist? Food for thought. This Yank from the North.

  19. Fact is,someone always HAS been the police for the world.Someone always will be.If we shrink back,certainly Russia or China will fill the void.Thinking we will all sing "Kumbaya"by the campfire if the US will simply go away is idealistic nonsense.Never,not once,in history has there NOT been a big kid on the block.Being American,I'd prefer that big kid to be the US.

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