
Should America stop ban guns from the public?

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Hasnt everyone had enough of yeehawws and maniacs shooting in schools stores and churches... why do you want that in your society.. you only need a gun to protect yourself from people cos they have guns... its stupid..




  1. This is for all you UK morons. If Germany jumps on your azz again I bet you'll wish you had a gun to protect your family. Maybe not, you'll just call on the USA to save your azz again.

  2. Stopping the sale of guns won't take guns out of the hands of criminals. In "my society" everyone would carry a firearm, and people would learn to respect one another very quickly.

  3. Duncan, Duncan, Duncan...

    We have shootings in schools and churches *because* gun bans assure the shooters that their victims will be helpless.  More gun ownership is the cure, not the cause for this problem.

  4. Yes we should stop banning guns in public.

    Violent crime goes down significantly when states pass 'concealed carry' laws and the bad guys, who have guns in any event, don't know if the little old lady is packing.

    Gun laws only work on the law abiding.

  5. Guns should be banned. Why? Because guns kill people. If you own a gun you will be more tempted to use it, resulting on more deaths. It also allows nutcases to go and walking into a school and shoot everyone on a whim. In the UK we don't have such a problem with gun crime, and we have less people killed by guns than the US does.

    Using a gun for defence means you are valuing the things you own against the life of a burglar etc. which is just wrong.

    No wonder the USA is so messed up.

  6. Our country is now saturated with guns. It is impossible to eliminate them from victimizers hands.

    I blame our media for the violence here, not the firearms.

  7. another gun ban fanatic using distorted reasoning to get what they think is best for long as criminals have guns,(see statement in question about English criminals) I will need to keep mine..thats the bottom line...and there is no way to get the criminals guns away from them(see statement in question about English criminals)

  8. No.

    Criminals will just get their guns illegally off the Mexican black market and law abiding citizens will remain unarmed.

    Not the way to go.

  9. More guns in legal hands reduce crime.

  10. People committing crimes usually get their guns illegally. Why would you disarm citizens so they can't protect themselves? The criminals will still get their hands on guns.

  11. I'm not into guns, and I don't advocate using them for things other that hunting or sport shooting. But, I'd prefer leaving the constitution (and the right to bare arms) alone. And under the current administration it may be the one thing in the constitution they won't try and change, but remember. Taking away basic civil liberties is a serious matter, because once taken away, it's almost impossible to get them back. As a rule, they don't get taken away by dramatic strokes, but rather eaten away, eroded.  That's what Bush and company (read Cheney) are doing.  The difficulty is that a lot of people simply don't care, either because they approve of harsh treatment of people they perceive as enemies, or because they simply use all their energy just getting through the day.

  12. The right to bear arms was developed in a period of time when there were miles between neighbors not feet. There was also the need to hunt for food and protect your property from wild animals. Today we have drive up restaurants.  I respect guns.  I have been fortunate enough to grow up in a family that did hunt for a great deal of food. The people who are killing each other are convicted criminals who would never get approved for a weapons permit. They are using semi automatic weapons and are cowards in doing drive by hunts.  Bambi isn't in 5 points.

  13. 1. Why do you think a "war on guns" would go any better than the war on drugs?

    2. How can you expect to keep guns out of the country when we can't keep tens of millions of PEOPLE out?

    Bottom line is that criminals will always get their guns, no matter how illegal they are. Having unarmed citizens and armed criminals is not the way to go.

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