
Should America tax the use of plastic bags?

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Cities like SF and entire countries like Ireland have laws in place to reduce the use of plastic bags. In 2002 Ireland placed a 33 cent tax on these bags and use dropped a whopping 94%. Even previous opponents to the law actually became advocates trying to get other countries the same.

Whether we realize it or not we are not just approaching an environmental crisis but are actually swimming it in already. We need to do everything we can now to help advert a absolute catastrophe. As you mull this over please consider the immensity of these numbers. That is if they are conceivable.

"In January almost 42 billion plastic bags were used worldwide, according to; the figure increases by more than half a million bags every minute. A vast majority are not reused, ending up as waste — in landfills or as litter. Because plastic bags are light and compressible, they constitute only 2 percent of landfill, but since most are not biodegradable, they will remain there."




  1. No, it won't help. (sadly)

  2. You end up in a world where the people who can afford the tax just pay it, and the people who can't afford the tax do whatever is convenient and affordable, not neccessarily what is best for the environment.

    Consider this alternative ... people arrive at a store carrying a re-usable cloth bag, that maybe has some identification stitched into it, so they are not harrassed later when leaving the store with something that maybe could have been bought there.

    You go into the store and YOUR bag gets some tag put on the handles, to prove that you had it with you when you entered the store.  This tag comes off again when you leave the store, and they give you a coupon worth some bonus environmental discount.

  3. I use them for picking up my dog's p**p....I know they are going t landfills...but I am trying to get more then one use out of them...................

  4. No,making people to pay tax on something that is manufactured for a purpose is stupid.I don't know about you people.Have you ever looked at your garbage in the summer?Garbage men need protection from all the bacteria and germs they would be prone to more without the plastic.What will you do with the cancer cells from surgery?Put them in a paper bag and leak them all the way to the incinerator? Face IT people we need plastic.You don't have a plan for this refuse? They can have plastic and we can not?When you jump ON a cause you need too have a plan that works for all or none,looks like you are going with none.I have made this argument before and no one has answered yet.Why can't the bags be treated with something that will degenerate them? It is possible you know.Don't you think that would be a better solution ?? That way you get the best of both worlds.

  5. Plastic bags seem better that the old paper bags. But of course anything better seems to come with a high price - in this case the environment.

    I try to use mine for several tasks.

  6. yes, but the us won't do anything that sacrifices our relationship with big oil. it definitely makes sense, but sense unfortunately doesn't matter.

  7. Hello

    Tax for use of Platic Bags is not good. But we all in this EARTH will reduce the use of Plastics Bags

    I am not at all using Plastic Bags. I am keeping one Cotton Bag with me. If i go Market, I purchase Vegitables/Crovery and keep in that bag and short all in House.

    If Vendor or Shop Owner gives Plastic Bags, I refused to take and also spreading Messages amoung Vegitable Vendor and Crocery shop Owner.

  8. If we tax the plastic bags, how about putting that tax to use on what we should do with those bags.  

    Such educating people about recycling and getting more people to recycle.    Also finding more ways that we can reuse, reducing our waste that is going to the landfills.  

    maybe we should learn from our ancestors on ways to reuse items.

  9. What a marvelous idea. I watched a tv show all about the plastic bag -- the wildlife that are dying with bellies full of plastic, etc. Having celebrities use cloth tote bags is a tiny start - taxing plastic bags is the best solution I've heard. Great!

  10. No new taxes.  NO NEW TAXES.  In case you didn't understand me the first time, NO @#*$?/ NEW TAXES!!!!!!!!!

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