
Should America wage war with Russia to recover our POW?

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  1. Yes we should its the opening we need to justify war we need to back Georgia in every way possible and ANTO should do the same

  2. I thought the US couldn't ever claim that Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell) existed :P  

  3. What I find most remarkable about the Google citation you posted is that it does not connect to a single web site of a reputable news source. Some blogs, yes. But not a news organization's web site.

    We do have a small contingent of U.S. forces who are engaged in training of Georgian forces. That's been going on for some time because of the Kodori Gorge in the west of that country which had been serving as a portal for "Hirabah" (terrorists) making their way into the area from Chechnya and other parts of the Caucuses. But, they were not there as "NATO instructors". In fact, NATO turned down Georgia's request to join that alliance. That may have served to embolden the Russians in counter-attacking after Georgia made their armed incursion into South Osettia. If Georgia had been granted NATO membership, the Russian counter-attack would have caused NATO to invoke Article 5 of the Charter, declaring that an attack on one is any attack on all. That invocation has happened only once. After the attack on America of September 11, 2001.  

  4. war is a very broad term open war would be devastating to the world,

    although if done correctly we could eliminate the possibility of nuclear war, we wont nuke russia first because we know they would nuke us back, they wont nuke us first because they know we'd do the same, WE MUST GET OUT MAN BACK AND TAKE BACK GEORGIA

    we should never unless left no other choice invade russia

    open war would be horrible but in the end we would win (unless we were all dead which is a great possibility)

  5. This is real life, not the movies.

    As another poster pointed out, war with Russia would result in millions of dead and massive destruction on both sides.  On the other hand, a good business/trade relationship could bring increased prosperity to both sides.  Which would you prefer?

    We could set an example by using diplomacy to help the two sides negotiate a settlement.  And try the same in Iraq, Iran, etc.

  6. It would be, among other aspects, a stupid thing for america to do. If you havent noticed, america has a bad habit of butting their noses into places they arent wanted. By waging war with Russia, only bad things could come of it. Countless numbers of lives lost. Families destroyed, buildings and homes destroyed. Nothing good is possible from waging war with Russia. Even if a POW is there Russia will probably just let them go. America as of now, has nothing to do with the war. But if our "great" president along with others decide to join Georgia in the war, then who knows what Russia might do to the POW. America needs to leave it alone. Georgia knew what would happen, there has been a spark just waiting to grow between the two places. Now they need to deal with the consequences. The best thing for america to do, along with the rest of the world, would be to stay out of it. Russia will handle it. Let the two places beat each other senseless. Then things will go back to normal. America will probably have a hand in rebuilding the destroyed places and using more of the taxpayers money on things that arent even going to our own country.

  7. LOL

    Your logic makes me laugh

    Go to war with Russia, start a world war and get hundreds of millions of people dead including millions of American's trying to save 1 POW who would have been returned by the Russians after the Georgia-Russia conflict.


    Go to sleep kid and leave politics to the big boys..

    Also, get it straight. Georgia started this war by invading an independent province ( since 1991 ) and violating a peace treaty and killing over 1500 innocent civilians.

  8. Did we really want another War World III with Nuclear bomb involve?

  9. I really don't think that war is ever really a option...there must be other ways to discuss the matter and get things done. And then if there is not other choice then yes because I truly believe the saying " LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND" do whatever it takes to bring them home.

  10. No, Georgia leader was committing ethnic cleansing, and Russia may of been little too brutal in relation on its soldiers fired upon.  Rational thinking people Military General will say,  Nah not worth risking the lives of millions of innocent people.    

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