
Should American children be shown the aftermath of American violence around the world?

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It seems that a lot of Americans still don't quite get it. Maybe if the kids were shown what actually happens when you kill people overseas, they'd get the message and vote for more human people like Ron Paul when they're old enough.




  1. yes, we should also show them what happens when no one helps a country. Like kenya right now, show the children what happens when you don't have anyone to stop the violence in your country.

  2. Let's worry about the aftermath of terrorist violence first

  3. A sign that people understand could be spending money which would be spent on The Super Bowl,Starbucks, Sporting events, Fast Food, Entertainment,Beauty Products,  Celebrity Magazines, Tabloids, People Magazine, Junk Food News  instead was spent at U.N. Headquarters to finance U.N Peacekeeping, Food efforts would be start. No money spent on pop,junk food either. This removes frivolous things which distract people. The rest could be required also.   Posters advising people a strong  equal U.N. could protect world might help. Maybe comes across sounding like a turkey but to have on poster Any Nation Which Wrongfully Attacks Another Nation Fights The U.N. And So The World sums things up quite nicely.

  4. You're just another bomb thrower yourself.

    I mean, hey, I'm a Ron Paul supporter myself, but children do not have the capacity to understand that kind of thing.  The only reason to show that to your kids is to indoctrinate them into a specific point of view...just like religion does.  Of course, as a parent, you have every right to do that to your own children, though I think it is rather obvious that you do not have children.

    Frankly, it bothers me that there are a lot of Ron Paul supporters that really don't get it either.

    By the way, why do you only choose to suggest "American violence" be shown to kids?  Why not the results of murder and rape?  (Yes, GRAPHIC pictiures of all of it!!!)  Why not the result of Pol Pot's Cambodian massacres?  Why not pictures of the 5000 Kurds that Saddam Hussein gassed?  Why not pictures of Muslims committing genocide in Darfur?

    You want to know why you don't suggest those things also be shown to children?  Because you're a bomb thrower.  To suggest that Americans are the only perpetrators of international violence is not only incorrect, it is quite obtuse.

  5. no..leave the kids to be kids....our children are expected to grow up too quick as it is....why would you want to traumatize a child?youre sick..are all Ron Paul supporters like you?

  6. Good call.  But let's not limit it to this time in history.  Let's show the aftermath starting from America's founding.  Let the children see the lives saved as a result of America's intervention, and the good that has come of us.

  7. No,they should see what happens when you get AIDS and when you smoke drugs.

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