
Should American shoulder the expense for immigration citizenship?

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Why should tax paying citizen pay for the rights of Immigrants ? Our tax money is spent on programs like English is a 2nd language, Welfare, free medical, here in California they have over populated the school system to the point LosAngeles unified has built elementary schools acros the street from one another, using eminent domain to seize property, Jobs ask now that you be bilingual in order to fill out an application. How much more should the American people shoulder for cheap labor or the republican way of life BIG business cheap labor.




  1. We shouldn't but we already have in ways that people don't even think about. Our American children are graduating knowing less and less because our school teachers are spending all day working one on one with illegals who can't speak our language..and our kids get screwed.  Americans can't go to college anymore..there is no financial aid available. It all goes to non Americans who pay NO TAXES for it but get it all. and not only are they getting welfare, now they are getting social security benefits that our senior citizens worked for for 50-60 years..illegals haven't paid in one dime..but they get it back. Their kids get FREE you know how many American kids and adults can't see a MD because the parents have no health insurance. and as for jobs...even if they are not paid "under the table" and do pay taxes, how many of those jobs do you think they got because the employers were afraid the immigrants would yell "discrimination". Which in turn hurts the entire business.. no longer is it fast's lets place our order and hope to h**l, the cashier can understand English enough to understand what we said and get the order right.

    In the school systems here, a student cannot graduate without having taken a foreign language.. I never would have graduated.. I am so sick of us having to learn to communicate with them in OUR country.  Shouldn't we be more concerned with teaching our children stuff like job seeking skills and how to cook/take care of house, etc and God forbid we teach kids parenting skills...but long as we can communicate with people who should not be here in the first's ok.

  2. No, we should not.

  3. ok, I didnt even go furhter than your the question Why should tax paying citizen pay for the rights of answer is....Why Not...??If we are already paying fos such thins as this stupid war we are about the stupid people that are in takes at least $40,000 a yr..per prisoner..if not more to be in why not for immigrants?...

  4. California school problems have more to do with Proposition 13 than illegals. Schools are in most places, including California, paid through property taxes. Everyone pays property taxes, renters at a higher rate than homeowners, unless you are living in a box underneath a bridge.  ESL programs are funded in most places under education with class takers paying a fee to take the class. Even so- I am all about people learning to speak English

    Illegals can't get welfare and other government entitlement programs.

    Being bi-lingual is a requirement in today's world. Utah has the highest percentage of multi-lingual people in this country and as a result they have a booming economy. Multi-national firms love to set up shop there.

    As for big businesses benefiting at the expense of Americans. Small businesses employ the vast majority of people in the United States- excluding government employees. It's okay to be bothered by employers hiring illegals but aim that anger towards your neighbor before you point the finger at corporations.

  5. The question isn't how much more should, it is how much more will American take care of illegal immigrants.   I worked  for the Health Dept where there are medical grants specifically designed for illegal immigrants.  Grants such as prenatal care and delivery, immunization, mammograms, anal and prostate exams, vision and hearing exams,and hearing aids, all are provided from contributions from affluent people, companies, and tax payers.  While citizens can barely afford heath insurance coverage and can't take advantage of any of these grants.  The majority are Hispanics, many who can not speak a word of English. Therefore, the state has to staff bilinguals to accommodate these people.  Grants that are designed for USA citizen of specific race or income, sadly, don't take advantage of the programs.  The program seeking 100 women who has never had a colonoscopy, only five took advantage of it.  Men from age 18 and older to get PSI for $10, there wasn't a black or white man in line.  I asked what's wrong with this picture. What happen to the unused money, it goes back in the budget awaiting another great idea.  I always hope not other grant for the illegal immigrants.   So the American people will continue to foot the bill for illegal immigrates who don't pay taxes and benefit from the reap we sow.

  6. i hate ******* immigrants. they get all the money and **** from the goverment handed to them and they do nothing all day and ******* complain about everything. (welfare). if they actually get off there ***'s and get a decent job there is no reason why they can't "get by". they just want to sit home all day and do nothing. *******  foriengers. i am so racist about illegals and immigrants is it not even funny.

  7. Oh Please! We pay for these programs because they are used by our citizens! Do you want us to become a third world country and not help the poor? What kind of person are you? I am more than happy to pay for public schools, welfare and medicare for the elderly!!! I had to pay $14,000 this year in taxes and I hope that it went to these programs instead of this ridiculous war!!!!!! Unfortunately that is probably not the case!

  8. No.  The Federal Government should deport those folks.

  9. No.

  10. We should not!

    In Arizona they are getting out,why?

    If you hire them you can lose your business!

    But, as long as the Mexican government passes out maps on where to sneak in, the problem will not go away!

    Our road signs are in English!

    I think until this mess gets under control, America should close it borders.

  11. Evidently the movers and shakers of this country feel they should. As we do apparently have some labor shortages in certain areas. Below I'll provide a link to a recent story. Notice that Arizona while touting tough employer sanctions put a provision in their most recent bill that releases employers of responsibility for hires of ppl prior to a year ago. So the employer is free from ramifications if their employees are from prior years. Now you tell me what's wrong here.

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