
Should Americans Start Empeaching Their Congressmen & women when They Return from Their VACATION ?

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Should Americans Start Empeaching Their Congressmen & women when They Return from Their VACATION ?




  1. Yes.  If not impeach then vote out of office.

    The people of the 8th District of California should be the firsts in line to begin removing their representative.

    {edit} For Mark D below....  you really should be careful throwing statements like "You don't have the foggiest idea what the word "impeachment" means".  

    Any government official can be impeached.  To impeach is to call into question the integrity or validity of a practice.  In Government, to impeach is the first part of a legislative process to move to forcibly remove a public official from office.  The second stage, conviction, carries out the removal from office.

    Further, American voters can call for a recall vote at anytime to remove officials from office.  Not just election day.

    I think you owe the asker of this question an apology.

  2. yes!

  3. Absolutely.  I have contacted my senators and representatives and told them that if they do not act immediately upon return, that I will not be voting for them in the next election, but we should not wait.  If they are not up for election in November, and they do not act, we should remove them.

    And whatever we do, we should eliminate enough democrats to remove Pelosi as speaker.  She has let that power go to her head and become a ruthless dictator.

    indiana...Storming out and turning off the lights is not immature?  Using procedural manipulation to insure that only YOUR bills get voted on, and not bring opposing bills to the floor is not immature?  But voting against a bill you oppose when there is a better one which Pelosi will not even bring to the floor IS immature?  You are REALLY OUT THERE!

  4. This would be a start; however, it would be quicker to just vote for anyone running in November that is not affiliated with either the Republican or the Democrat party. If there is a choice vote third party!

    I never thought I would say this. I do not care which the third party is we can fix it in two to six years if we can get the main parties away from the extremists.

  5. the voters must be proud of the rats that have sent this country into bankruptcy with there spend and tax agenda leaving billions as a deficit. they try to blame it on the president when they are the ones that pass and enact legislation and spend the money. only way to get rid of them is not reelect.

  6. I wish we could.  Unfortunately, we must Recall Congressmen and women, which rarely happens.  Only the Judiciary and the Executive branch can be impeached.

    About our only choice is to vote them out of office, but that is hard to do as well because so many people don't really care.

  7. Every single one of them. When are they going to start doing what the people want done? They don't seem to know how to listen. We are the ones who put them there, we should be the ones to take them out of there. The problem is, if you vote them out, who is going to take their place?  It seems that when a good person gets to Washington, they all seem to get swallowed up by the bad people. When will it all end?

  8. Impeaching is a long, drawn out process. Just arrest them and send the whole bunch to Guantanamo Bay. And when they get there make certain the ones who voted against pay raises for the military, and against the military budget, and for the terrorists being tried in U.S. courts, are pointed out to the military guards.

  9. You don't have the foggiest idea what the word "impeachment" means, not to mention how to spell it.


    "Impeachment" is what the House of Representatives does to members of the executive and judicial branches of the federal government. No members of Congress are ever impeached. It is impossible. Members of Congress are *expelled* by their peers. When an individual member of the House has behaved so badly that they don't deserve to be their anymore, then the House votes to expel that individual. Likewise with the Senate.

    American voters can only do something about removing members of Congress on election day. Period.

  10. why wait for them to get back from vacation.   start right now and ruin their vacations as they are trying to do to yours with their failure to tackle the high cost of gas.     How many of them are using tax payer money to commute?  not only do we pay for our gas we have to pay for theirs to go on vacation.   don't make a whole lot of sense.

    mr doodles

  11. YES. And get the do nothing as*holes out

    of office and get some one who will work

    for the people not against them.

  12. Recall vote, if that fails then impeachment! If that fails storm the ramparts and kick in the doors!

  13. Why wait?

    We could just send them a letter:

    "Hope you are enjoying your time at home; stay there."

  14. Yes... we have become too tolerant and should care more what our representatives are doing. They must be more accountable to their constituents or else.

    We have to get involved in the political process...

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