
Should Americans Who Lost their Jobs to Illegal Immigrants Get Reparations?

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What if their wages were kept low because illegal immigrants did the job at salaries below prevailing American wages? Should those American workers who suffered get reparations?




  1. Anyone who hires illegals should be prosecuted.

    The illegals should be deported.

    I know contractors who have hired workers who are not in the US legally.

    They absolutely love these workers and generally pay them above the minimum wage because they are some of the best workers they can possibly find.

    They show up, and show up on time - every day!  They ask for extra work.

    They often don't have their own tools but they take care of tools that are lent to them. They don't steal. They don't drink or use drugs on the job.

    If someone in the US loses their job to an illegal, what does that say about that worker?

    We have free education in the US.

    They can go back to school for free and learn a trade to improve themselves, become more competitive and not have to fight with hard-working illegals for employment.

  2. If you lost your job to an illegal immigrant and can prove that the company knew it, I think you could sue the company.

  3. No.  If African American slaves who built this country for FREE cant get reparations, illegal immigrants should not.  They, for the record are not taking American jobs.  They work the jobs Americans can't afford to work, due to the low amount of pay.  It's not like your average Joe is lining up to pick berries and work construction jobs at a fraction of the pay that a union worker would make.  The are just trying to make a living like everyone else.  They are not physically displacing anyone.

    Blame the people who employ illegal workers who don't want to pay the average Joe for their time and energy for the same job.

  4. No, the employers should be deported.

  5. The American and legal workers should be able to sue the government for not enforcing the laws, thus violating there civil rights

  6. It's called umemployment, but I agree that employers should face jail time for hiring illegals.  Without jobs no one would want to come here and put a strain on our economy.

  7. First of all, how the f*ck are illegal aliens taking our jobs?  I mean, do they physically come over to you and say, "Excuse me, give me your job now.  It's my turn to be in your place."  


  8. TO answer your question, maybe they should!  Bottom line is if you're here illegally then you should be deported to your country or origin.  PERIOD.  And companies that hire undocumented workers should get the bill for the cost of sending them back along with a $50,000 fine.  

    I believe in the American dream and I believe that everybody deserves a shot at it.  But jumping a fence, swimming a canal, and raising a family here for the last 20 years at the expense of US taxpayers doesn't mean you deserve to be here.  

    FACT:  In 1998 the California state budget was $43 billion.  Thanks to illegals over the last 10 years our state budget has risen to over $104 billion!  California is going BROKE largely due to the influx of illegals and their families sneaking here to have their babies in our hospitals for free, sending their kids to school for free, getting government benefits without paying a dime in taxes, and stealing our jobs.  Illegals also have a 30% higher crime rate!  So the cost of deportation seems small in the long run if you ask me.

  9. I kinda like my husbands approach to preventing illegals in coming over the fence.... pay the govenors in the bordering provences something like 50 million dollars a year... and for every illegal that gets over into our country deducted a set amount, $100k, from that...

    My Great great grandparents came over here by obeying the laws and rules of this country... I don't see why others can't...  

  10. Yes, the employers and the CONSUMERS who purchased products made/harvested from the illegals should be the ones paying, since they were the ones that benefited.

  11. I am all in favor of that however, I want Mexico to foot the bill since they keep encouraging their citizens to immigrate here and send the dollars home.

  12. i dont think people actually lost their jobs.please...nocody wants to wash dishes pick strawberries, cut grass....and my answer is no. leave them alone already.

  13. No one deserves reperations in this country for anything. The idea of paying someone money or a handout for "no reason" or the crimes of those committed over 125 years ago is ridiculous not to mention the fact that where are the reperations to all the northern families whose ancestors fought and died to free the slaves? There families had no part in slavery and paid the ultimate sacrifice yet no one talks about that. Reperations, just another way of saying welfare check....

  14. I think this issue is actually where Democrats and Republicans can agree....

    Illegals should be deported and the employers should get a swift kick in the a$$....

  15. Americans aren't important, only racial groups and classes, that is were the agitating lives.

    how about the government just deport their butts?

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