
Should Americans compare their healthcare to that of other countries?

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or should Americans find a solution to their own healthcare crisis




  1. I am Canadian and I had breast cancer 2 years ago. The health care system here paid for everything: doctors, MIR, blood tests, ultrasounds, biopsies, surgery, reconstruction surgeries, hospitalizations and everything else. It took great care of me and still does and I gladly pay my taxes to finance our system.

    As far the Americans are concern, if you are happy with your health system, good for you. If you are not, do something to change it.

  2. I like how Russia has free healthcare

  3. Find a solution to their own health care crisis.  Just because it works in another country doesn't mean it will work here.  The state of Colorado was talking about forcing it's citizens into buying health care insurance but if you are not making enough to pay for it, how can you?  There are a lot of people who don't make enough between the minimum wage jobs available and the cost of living.

  4. Every country has a different system. We can take some parts of ideas of other countries healthcare plan, but we can't exactly do the same. The only way we could have free healthcare is for us to be able to afford it. Though that'll all depend on the money we have, if we have it.  

  5. Why not?

    Lots of countries care enough to provide it.

    I'm covered with my pension so it isn't personal to me, but I dread the idea of children not being able to get care.

    I have a grand daughter.

  6. Yes, we can if we want, the First Amendment says we can.

    People in other countries are always comparing America and trash talking about the USA, so we can compare our healthcare system to any country we want. Don't like it? Too bad, cry me a river.

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