
Should Americans start investing in FOOD?? Stock up on everything, prices will go up higher than ever :(?

by  |  earlier

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If i were you all, i'd stock up on food as soon as possible. Things will only get worse in terms of food prices. Look at what happened with the floods in Iowa, a huge producer of corn that animals like cow eat that give us beef, milk, etc...

So, are you scared that prices are getting too high?




  1. God also said that HE would help those who help themselves.

    If you want some answers as to food storage check out dehydraded and freeze dried foods. They've come a long way in making various foods that retain good flavor/texture/nourishment while having phoenominal storage qualities.

  2. Yes, by all means, stockpile before it is too late. My Walmart and Cosco shares will soar.

    Stop listening to all the nonsense. It is an election year and democrats ALWAYS try to scare the public with gloom and doom so they can get a job. Why do you think you never hear a positive message from a democrat?

  3. You can only stock up so much on food.  Food has a "shelf life."  Eventually, it will go bad.  Therefore, stocking up for profit is not a good idea.  Stocking up to be certain your family has enough to eat should hard times come is not a bad idea, but remember, you can only stock up so much because it will spoil.

    Yes, prices are going too high.  No, I'm not scared.  God says that if I believe in Him and trust in Him and obey Him, , I will never go hungry, and I will never beg.  I believe in Him and in His Son, Jesus, my Saviour, so I don't worry.  He is my provider and I trust Him to provide what I need, including food.

  4. If you think prices are going up why don't you buy commodities? or ETFs that follow agriculture commodities?

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