
Should Amtrak be more popular?

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Amtrak is an inexpensive way to travel to many destinations throughout the continental United States for a fraction of the cost of flying or even driving (depending on the destination). Tell me what you think and why?




  1. Yes, I think Congress should step up the funding for Amtrak.

    But unfortunately, the lobbyists from the Detroit automakers, the oil companies and the airlines will see to it that it doesn't happen.

  2. I dont think people realize the amount of food and beer you can bring with.  We didnt.

  3. Train travel indeed should be more popular but it missed an entire generation of us and the current generation is used to the "instant thing" .   Now we want to get across the country in hours not a day or so and face it a train is slow not due to the speed it runs but all of the stops along the way for stations and freight trains and such.   If you a fun and scenic experience , a train is the way to go but if you are in a hurry a train wont do.  

  4. I'm not sure about the actual safety record and how it compares to air travel, but I think there's a conception that train travel isn't safe because of the occasional derailment. It might help if they advertised more too. All you see on TV is airline commercial after airline commercial. I don't think I've ever seen an Amtrak commercial.

  5. Amtrak should be more popular. Before airline travel became an every day event, train travel was the most expeditious form of land travel and steamships the most expeditious form of sea travel.

    When modern air travel came into it's own, the rail travel system did not attempt to keep up. They relied on government assistance, and we see how well that worked out.

    Most major nations have an efficient high speed rail system. In the U.S., we are still talking about it. Come to think about it, the Monorail at Disneyland is more efficient then the bus system. Guess Mickey and Walt were right. Unfortunately, they built Tomorrowland inside the park and not outside where we live.  

  6. I think the correct question is: "COULD Amtrak be more popular?"

    Should it ? NOT with it's current problems of LATE trains... even compared to the airlines, an 5-11 hour delay (not caused by storm damage) is unacceptable !!  I've listened to these delay announcements for the "Coast Starlight" at San Jose's Diridon Station while boarding the ACE or CalTrain.

    ALSO, as you say, depending on the destination, the COST isn't a fraction on some VERY popular routes... it's often MORE expensive.

    Amtrak also doesn't travel "throughout" the nation, but through the nation... but then again, as a "national" system that's right... it should serve as a BACKBONE passenger rail, and then the States should form regional rail that hubs with Amtrak.

    I'm looking forward to a REAL rail system... The California Hi-Speed Rail promises to solve the "unpopularity"... San Jose to Los Angeles in 126 minutes for less than $80 !!

  7. Amtrak safety record is up there with with the airlines. Very safe way to travel. Not to mention, if the train derails, you will most likely live. If a plane crashes, your pretty much screwed.

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