
Should Australia expell the worthless Brittish Royal Family and Queen as our Sovereign Leader ?

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Can't wait till we do, I find the Royal Family a pompus disgrace and embarasment to my Country, they may be ok for the English, but definately NOT for a young, strong, industrious and proud Nation like Australia, we reject the Royals, as does the vast majority of the Commonwealth, outside of England !




  1. Why? May I ask.. Is there any harm done there?

    I would like to know them too :).

    Take good care!

  2. I agree with Frances M Your ball and chain came from England when you were shipped off to Australia for being naughty, as I remember.

  3. Tim S you suck ****!   Australia would be better off.  Frances M go forth and DIE!

  4. i totally agree. i remember the referendum a few years ago and was so suprised that we didnt become one.

    ive never understood the idea of royalty...

  5. I hope you do realise that Her Majesty as Queen of Australia/Canada etc is seperate from her title as being Queen of the United Kingdom. As Queen of Austarlia she is referred to as Queen of Australia only and not the "Unite Kingdom and Australia and Canada and the other states she rules". This was agreed upon in the Statute of Westminster in 1931.

  6. I'm English and I think YES. I don't have a problem with the Royal family but think it's wrong for Australia. Ultimately, Australia is an Asian country. With China on the rise, Australia should look for links there, not in Europe. Although once a Europeon settlement, it's clear that the demographic of the country has changed significantly and will continue to expotentially. It's old fashioned to look back to Europe. Australia needs to look forward to Asia.

  7. You should get rid of them, if the truth was known I think most of the Brits would like to see the back of them too! They are from a passed age from hundreds of years ago.

  8. Its a tie which is good in uniting the two countries

  9. worked for the U.S., and up here in canada

  10. yes join the tea party.

  11. if the vast majority did reject the royals then they wouldnt be part of the commonwealth, i for one am glad my country is part of the commonwealth and i serve the queen with pride, you should be ashamed of yourself for your disgraceful attitude towards your country's history and culture

  12. yeah, you're right. Agree. Australians like you don't need them anyway. They royal's aren't anything without the public's interest in them.


  13. I would say yes, I think it would help to be taken more serioulsy as a country of your own right instead of just an ex commonwealth. Also having the symbol (the queen) of a very outdated system of government printed all your money is kind of degrading. What I find more degrading is the anglophilia that seems to be prevelant in so many other of the commonwealth nations. For example, in Canada, they drool all over the British and the monarchy and I think its in rather bad form.

    That said, if you were to be a soveriegn nation then you might want to consider the support you would lose from Britain. I live in Asia and I swear its like some kind of hobby for the governments here to put you all in prison. Its nice to have as worldwide support as possible when things like that happen.

  14. yes,they could have a tea party like we in the states had.and you could invite the royals and throw them overboard   instead of  the tea


    we run our selves as a country they just claimed us 200 years ago even though people were already living here

    anywho i just dont see the point in them ruling us

  16. Hey Solara 437, just remember where those folks with the ball and chain came from . England !

  17. That ball and chain bothering you again?

  18. Quicker the better!

  19. Thats your right.  We live in democracies and we should be thankful for that.

  20. you desire is YOUR desire I do not agree. long may she reign over us .. it is our only protection against the corruptness that is American Politics and Murdoch and his evil spawn .. as I see it, your next wish would be to become part of the USA .. there that would start a civil war and should set the cat among the pigeons

  21. Yes. It's about time Australia was a proper democracy.

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