
Should Barack Obama be allowed to speak at the Brandenburg Gate in Germany?

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The only other U.S. politcians to give a speech there were JFK and Reagan, with good reason. Both were actually sitting presidents at the time, and both gave speeches under pertinent circumstances at that time; ie: urging the tearing down of the Berlin wall in Reagan's case. Germany is a single, unified country right now, unlike when the other speeches were given, and in fact the Germans now share the Euro as currency with several European nations (a strong currency, I might add) How is anything a non-president, less than one-term senator can say even relevant? This seems like nothing more than egomaniacal political grandstanding.




  1. it's up to their own country .will they allow to speak their .

  2. Frankly, I think that is up to the German govt. and their city mayor.

    Obama is hugely popular in Europe. It's not like that is an offensive location. If they want him to speak there, he should speak there.

    As far as having anything to say...have you heard him speak?

    He is an amazing and inspiring speaker.

    Kennedy and Regan are not the only speakers from around the world to ever speak there.

    We are so self centered!!! It is presumptuous of us to think we have a say in the location of where someone speaks in another country!!!

  3. As an American, born in germany, I think after the whipping that Bush has given to the image of the United States abroad, that any American given the opportunity to speak anywhere in the world is a sign that we may still have a chance to untarnish our international image.  Thank God that someone as eloquent a speaker as Obama, and not the stammering GWB, will be the one speaking there.

  4. Its an historic site.  How is it egomanical to want to speak there? He's running for office... hello? The point of the trip is to meet people and raise the profile of one's campaign.  

    Remind me of why McCain suddenly ran of to South America?  Are the Haters so cowed by Obama that they fear his every move?

  5. Absolutely and totally true.... who the Frigg does he think he is?

    Ever heard that word: Groessen Wahnsinn???

    That is the mental state Hitler also had!

    It means "Delusion of Greatness' !

  6. barack obama shouldnt be allowed to speak period.

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