
Should Barry Georges past have any bearing on the amount of compensation he may receive, if he sues......

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........for his wrongful conviction and incarceration of 8 years in the Jill Dando murder case ?

What are your views should it be taken into account or is it irrelevant to this case ?




  1. he should get the minimum possible!

    hes still a rapist and whatever else !

  2. he will get compensation for the time he spent in jail related to his conviction for the murder of Jill Dando, and subsequently  being found not guilty. I don't think that any previous matters will be taken into consideration.

    he is a scumbag and i still think he did it. anyone who can actually say that he won't be following women any more, needs locking up for good. The guy whether he killed her or not, needs to be somewhere secure.

  3. No.

    Anyone who has been "wrongfully" convicted, and has been "forced" to spend any time in prison for the crime he/she was "wrongfully" conficted, deserves some monetary compensation.  

  4. It is irrelevant - if we all got judged on our past all the time life would never move on and we would never be able to pay for our mistakes and then try and improve ourselves and our lives.

  5. His past was WHY he was stitched up in the first place, so it should have no effect on his compensation.

    If he had been squeaky clean, he would never have been in court in the first place. The police chose someone the jury would hate.

    I hope he makes a fortune.

  6. Legally it shouldn't affect his compensation. Otherwise do you count every offence that someone's committed? Or what offences should you count or dismiss?

    Morally though - with the nature of the offence (attempted rape I believe), with it being such a personal, violent offence perhaps some of the compensation should be given to the victim, or go to a rape charity.

    Or perhaps the compensation deadline should be extended so the victim should be able to sue him.  

  7. He was used as a scapegoat because of his past. He was found guilty of a crime he did not commit. He should get the maximum compensation.  

  8. his past convictions should be taken into account

    the newsreader who was female interviewing him and grinning sympathetically made me feel sick

    he is a stalker and a rapist what happened was karma

    i hope all his victims sue him

  9. No - not really.  Hard to disregard it but it still doesn't have any bearing on wrongly locking him up for eight years.  

  10. By the looks of things he has eaten his compensation whilst residing in clink.

    Trust NewsOfTheWorld to pay the fat buggar.

  11. his past is relevant , it was his own behavour that made the police  suspicious

    its scary that men like him are allowed to walk the streets , i know he has learning difficulties but he is a pest ,

    i doubt he will be a loner much longer he will have plenty of friends now

  12. I think you will find that acting on such information has already seen this innocent man being wrongly convicted and a murderer allowed to go free.

  13. He'll get compensation based on being wrongly incarcerated for 8years. it's totally irrelevant what he did previously. The cops had to get someone for the Dando murder,the nation demanded it, and who better to frame than the local oddball?

    Whatever he gets, will never replace the fact he was an innocent man, wrongly convicted. But then again, british justice is littered with these types of cases. Stefan Kisko,The Birmingham 6, Derek Bentley.

    The sad thing is this will happen again.

  14. He should be compensated for the wrong conviction and the 8 years he spent in prison.  His past has nothing to do with it. How many people are there with a shady past who never get found out and most definitely don't go to prison.

    He deserves the same compensation anyone else would get, also may I add that it is a lucky thing for all concerned that we no longer have the death penalty.

  15. It worries me that he is out on the streets again.  I think that the women he stalked, raped, and frightened should get compensation too, from him. He is a frightening man, although I accept he might not have killed Jill Dando.

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