
Should Big Brown be allowed to run in an attempt to win the triple crown??

by Guest33189  |  earlier

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Should Big Brown be allowed to run in an attempt to win the triple crown??




  1. Yes.

  2. Yes, and he will be allowed to run.  His hoof is ok, and he's in good shape.

  3. Has anyone out there actually seen the pictures of his hooves?  They look actually pretty bad.  Even if I think he should not race everyone knows that this will happen.  They are in it for the money no matter how many tears you see them shed when there horse is injured.  These horses should not be raced at such a young age as there bodies cannot hold up.  Usually after racing they end up finding new homes, slaughtered, or put up for stud (which I guess that wouldn't be to bad for the horse).  I think that there is actually more glue holding the hooves together on Big Brown than actual hoof wall.  Those cracks are mended, but what long term affects will he have after racing?  Really there is nothing we can do.  Horse racing is to some degree inhumane, but what can we do it has been done for centuries.

  4. yes. If they didn't let him race it would be because of injury and if he cant race or dies after the race(right after or in longterm because of racing) then with Barbaro, Eight Belles and the big brown there would be alot more then PETA fanatics against horse racing.If the sport is going to continue Big Brown must race and be okay immediatly after the race and in the longterm

  5. Yes.  All the doctors agree that the horse will be just fine.  The media is making a better deal out of this than it really is.  It's all about selling newspapers and TV ratings.

  6. If you dig a little deeper,  you'll find that Big Brown's trainer has been giving him sterioid shots and that the horse has an absess as well as the cracked hoof.  With the 90 degree heat tomorrow and a jockey and trainer that don't seem to care about anything but winning - I sure wouldn't want to be Big  Brown!!  I just hope he doesn't get hurt - given that 13 other thoroughbreds have died this year on racetracks (including Eight  Belles).

  7. Peach,

    The horse is good to go (he's just peachy!).  His hoof is good enough to race and make history.

  8. Yes, he should.  Try to stop him if you can.

  9. well duh!

  10. Of course he should -- the type of problem he's having with his foot is not something that would predispose him to having a catastrophic injury during a race.  From what I understand, it would be somewhat like a human running with a busted toenail -- it could hurt a little and maybe make you run a little slower if you didn't take care of it, but as long as you bandaged it fine, you would be ok -- you certainly wouldn't break a leg because if it.  I don't know if that's the best analogy, but his hoof specialist agrees that it is a minor thing.  Touch Gold won the Belmont with a much worse hoof problem in 1997.  I think it would be a tragedy if they decided not to run him!

  11. If the Vet says it is O.K. you almost have too.A triple crown winner is worth millions and you do not get many chances if any.Big Brown wins and he may never race again.undefeated triple crown and off to stud.But that's only if he gets a clean bill of health from the Vet. This horse can win even if he is not 100 long as he is not put at risk of permanent injury and I am sure he will not run if that were the case.Its a shame that a true super horse has arrived and there is a good chance this will be his last race.

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