
Should Big Foot Hoaxers get prison time or worse?

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I knew from the get that it was a hoax because years ago the Sasquatch phenomeno was already proven hoax.

The amount of airtime and news coverage was rediculous, these guys claimed it was real and decieved a lot of people (not including myself).

So I would like to see them either hung, given a life prison sentence or public flogging. YOu guys have any suggestions?




  1. well not going to jail that's pretty big, maybe pay ahuge fine right.

  2. Lying to or "tricking" the public should be illegal and carry a heavy fine...heavy as in a few hundred thousand dollars.  

    I agree that the news coverage was rediculous and a waste of everyone's time; however, killing someone or putting them in jail is not the answer.  First of all, hanging or the death sentence is a little drastic for this type of nonsense...I mean, who hasn't lied before?  And I would hate to spend my tax dollars, putting them in the already crowded yet super nice living conditions that the U.S. seems to have.  I think we need to save room in jail for the truely horrible crimes such as murder, rape, traffiking, theft, etc........

    I think people woud be discouraged enough from hoaxes such as this, if they knew they would have to pay up when caught.

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