
Should Bigfoot scammers Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer be arrested ?

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These two jerks wasted everyones time with their stupid bigfoot claim taking up news time that could have been used for world events that are actually important. I wanna see these guys in jail. What do you think?




  1. Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton are a couple of lame nobody’s.  One is an injured cop on medical leave - the other is a corrections officer.  Definite publicity seekers..  To date, absolutely no substantial evidence has ever been found to prove the existence of Bigfoot.  No fossils, no skeletal remains, no proven eyewitness accounts..  Nothing..  Until now...  And we are to believe that a couple of yutz's from Georgia have a real Bigfoot in their basement freezer....

    Should they be arrested?  Maybe..  Or perhaps we should just see them for who they are – a couple of cocky retards, most likely small in the pants-region, overcompensating in their quest to justify their inadequate lives...

  2. All you have to do to know that it is a lie is to listen to the press conference interviews.  They're a big joke, all of them.  But the media is a joke too.  They're in business to make money by selling advertising.  They hook you with a "tease" preview of a report and then show it to you two days later.  Next time they tease you, search your favorite video website for the report.  Someone has probably already uploaded it.  Thank-god for the Internet.  Yes, "god" is not capitalized, but "Internet" is.

  3. In jail for what?  Wasting your time?  Bigfoot.....are you serious?  Honestly there are so many news channels out there right now if your watching something you don't like normally all you have to do is change the channel.  I feel sorry for anyone who believed it in the first place, how could you think it WASN'T a hoax?

  4. i think they should too

    all that c**p they made was fake, and they know it!

    they just made it so they could get their greedy little hands on money

    That stuff was so fake, i knew it was fake by the second i saw it

  5. Those clowns are just turning a buck off the *incredibly* gullible public, so I'm OK arresting them for BigFootBufoonery but also arrest all the idiots who believe the story.

    Sure, I'm for replacing that with real news, but once the bigfoot hoax dies it's back to the Britney Spears network.

  6. jail? really? that's a bit extreme. who cares. if that wasnt on the news, then brittany spears or some other celebrity would have been.  

  7. what proof do you have they are not telling the truth? i for one believe in big foot,so how do you know they never found one? according to a scientist the chinese immigrant that murdered and cannibalized a man on a grey hound bus, was possessed by "windigo" which is a first nations version of bigfoot. just a week before that it was spotted photographed and plaster casts of footprints were taken under 100 miles from where the murder took place! the truth is out there.

  8. the bush admin should go to prison for sayin there were WMDs in iraq

  9. No Jail. Bad enough they have to live with themselves.... Whats with the Anti-Christian comments on a Bigfoot forum anyway? Focus, think, don't answer my question.

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