
Should Bill Clement play for the Canadian table tennis team in London 2012?

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So there I was flipping around and who should be announcing Olympic Table Tennis on MSNBC Bill Clement.

Seriously does anybody know why he wasn't in the studio for NBC during the Stanly Cup playoffs?




  1. no i don't want him to play for Canada because it would not be best for Canada as a Canadian i would want someone that is really good to win us some medals so maybe an asian, im not being racist here i just know a lot of asians that play this sport and they rock at it. So far in todays Olympics i was quite sad to see a lot of our athletes not qualifying for the finals to win the Olympic gold medals i hope they get more :( i have not lost hope yet. GO CANADA GO

  2. I thought i heard him too on some other event.. but no I'd hate to see him get hurt if he plays table tennis at all..much less in the Olympics...

  3. Who really knows.

  4. I aspire to play for the US table tennis team.

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