
Should Boats and Snowmobiles be baned to help Global Warming?

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Boats and snowmobiles are just recreational toys owned mostly by the rich. They don't add any value to people, they just pollute.

Do you agree that the environment is more important than a weekday fun time? And should boats and snowmobiles be baned in order to geduce ghg's?




  1. It wouldn't be the end of the world if they were banned.  People in Europe got through restrictions like that in wartime without damaging the essence of civilisation.  However I accept that having fun is an important part of life and that there are less draconian (in a petty sort of way) measures which can be taken first and to far greater effect.  Ultimately though I think that there might be a case for regulations that impose a requirement for luxury carbon emitting devices to run on 100%  carbon neutral fuel be that hydrogen or an environmentally friendly biofuel or alternatively heavily taxed with the money going to carbon sequestration.

  2. No.  A lot of believers understand that we can't go banning things or else the media will turn on climate scientists and portray them as a bunch of quacks who have collectively overestimated the accuracy of their science and never get their predictions right.

    It's very important for the AGW movement that they claim there is a problem but don't advocate doing anything about it.

  3. If they are baned, YOU should be caned, for having the idea in the first place.  Secondly, right now they are being used to rescue ....people in trouble, with sailboats...a green concept, not to mention for food starving animals are being fed using snowmobiles in Colorado....and, backcountry snowskiers are also rescued on a regular basis....take a snowmobile away from an eskimo...good luck ! let me know how you fare with that endeavor....

  4. OH man... if you take away my snowmobile I can't get to my boat.If I can't get to my boat I can't get to my car.If I can't get to my car I can't get to the train.If I can't get to the train I can't get to the plane. Now what the He ll am I supposed to do... (walk)...Hey wait a minute I just saw a dog sled go by...never mind I'll catch a ride with them.

  5. idk but people would get realy upset if they loved snowbording or snowmobiling or howev u say it but then they might go on strike or somtin but probrabrably not

  6. No, all of those things that are fun can also be used for the defense of our nation. I think being the most powerfull nation on the planet takes priority over the predictions of a handful of peer reviewed drivel pretending to know it all. I can also feed hundreds of people for several days with my boat for just 75 gallons of gas, if required. I am thinking about adding a bank of solar powered thrust motors that could cut my fuel consumption by 75%, I may not believe in global warming but I do not like giving my money to middle eastern countries.



  7. The gw believer would be remiss to ban either one of those vehicles.

    After all,and according to them,with the onset of climate change, they may very well need one or the other.

    EDIT: Well thank you Bob.

  8. In what other ways would you like to impose your petty ideas on the rest of us?  You are why global warming is nonsense, when you strip away all your pretenses it comes down to nothing more than a desire to force others to live as you wish and not as they wish.  Perhaps you will consider that while you are out banning other people's recreation, they may be out banning yours.

  9. NO

  10. No. I shouldn't even have to explain myself.

  11. And you are a top contributor ?  Use spell check for ` reduce'. And,

    You tell Bush that he can't use his boat anymore in Maine.

    So, who  is the worst polluters ? Major industries such as oil, etc. or the people that work to pay government taxes [ when we don't even know where their money goes ]and wants to have their `freedom' after  working hours . I take it you don't have any fun , Huh?

  12. I heard on interview on the t.v.(Discovery Channel), and an environmentalist also proposed banning cars in city (why do we need cars when we have buses and subways) and airplane travel (do you really need that vacation in the sun, or to see you friends and relatives)  With the Internet you can set up a conferencing call and you can all see mom and dad that way.   At least we will not have that evil nuclear power

    Banning cars and planes was a real suggestion.  The last part is me being sarcastic.  Please, I do realize that no serious proposal like that has been made, but it goes to show the extent of their fanaticism.

  13. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! They'd be stupid banning know how much money is invested and earned with cruise ships?? besides boats are fun! oh and I've never been on a snowmobile...but I bet those are fun too!!

  14. Nickel is right.  Lets ban:

    - electricity and heat

    - cement plants

    - steel mills

    - chemicals

    We don't need any of those things.

  15. i dont think so. y would u wanna stop having fun?? there r way more things u can stop doing besides that...

  16. We don't need to ban anything to fight global warming.  This is just denier nonsense.

    We don't need to stop doing things.

    We just need to do them smarter.  Of course some idiots will go overboard.  But, let's be serious.  Here's the practical and affordable plan, worked out by hundreds of scientists.

    It doesn't mention snowmobiles.  That's political c**p.  Note what's going on here.  Since his "scientific" arguments have been shown to be absurd, he's trying to appeal to emotion.

    Props to Phillip F for the best skeptic joke I've seen in a while. :-)

  17. Everything that is electronic puts off ozone the same thing that the unburned gas from a tailpipe turns to when hit by sunlight! Do you want to get rid of all of that stuff too?

    maybe we should sack society and all live by campfires...Oh, wait!...That would be even more pollution....

  18. The climate cannot be more or less important than our weekday fun time, because nothing we do in our weekday fun time can effect any change in the climate.

  19. no, and if you are talking like that we could ban cars because they are not necessary. we could all ride bikes or use horses again.

    boats and snowmobiles, since you say they are only owned by the rich, don't cause much at all since nobody hardly uses them.

    plus what about sailboats what are they hurting?

  20. NO average people own boats and snowmobiles not rich people. in fact I've made it a profitable hobby buying used and abused fixing them up use them or sell them. besides by your other posts you couldn't give a rats behind about the environment and think GW is a total hoax so why would you care

  21. Why not just concentrate on:

    - electricity and heat

    - cement plants

    - steel mills

    - chemicals

    - deforestation

    which together represent 50% of all emissions?

    It just seems logic to start where huge savings are possible and people will not be too impacted.

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